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‘Do not be afraid’ 

Baptist minister Paul Campion introduces a song written by one of his congregation shortly before he died in July 2018. It has a message that resonates deeply today - and now a new recording is available for churches


'Do not be afraid'. These words are heard several times in the Christmas story, but they are also the title of an amazing song written by one of our congregation shortly before he died in July 2018. Kev, as he was known to many, was a person of deep faith, full of gentleness and kindness, as well as being a very gifted musician. This is what his family have written about the song:
"Do not be afraid was written by Kevin Whitehouse in 2018 whilst he was grappling with a terminal illness. It was written primarily as a children’s song, but has the ability to encourage all generations. Kevin was still finishing the song the day before he died, with a passion to instil hope, having experienced the hope of Jesus himself. His good friend Mike finished the song so it could be played for the first time at his funeral. I’m sure his hope would be that it could be an encouragement to all, especially during the Covid crisis."
I have used the song from time to time at Shirley Baptist Church and it has always been very powerful, but in recent times we created a recording to use in our online worship. When I listened to the recording I had a strong sense that this needed to be shared more widely. 
Do not be afraid 
for the Lord your God is with you 
Do not be afraid 
He will take you through this storm 
Sunshine’s on its way 
And there’ll be blue skies in the morning 
Give your fears up to the Lord and say 
‘I am not afraid!’ 
Storms will come 
and the seas will roar 
Waves now crash down 
once a peaceful shore 
But Jesus said 
all these times we’ll see 
Just lift your head 
and do not dread 
Look straight ahead 
Your destiny lies here with me 

After the death of Moses, the Lord said to Joshua ‘Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ Many years later the angel said to Mary ‘Do not be afraid, you have found favour with God….’ and then nine months later the angel said to the shepherds ‘Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy….’

Today I believe God is saying to us again ‘Do not be afraid’. It is the prayer of Kev’s family and of the musicians in the video that this song should be a blessing to others as it has been to us, and we are happy for it to be used in worship settings across the country where it might be helpful.

Download the recording of Do not be afraid' using this link. Watch on Youtube here or above.

Paul Campion is Senior Minister of Shirley Baptist Church, Solihull



Baptist Times, 02/12/2020
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