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Baptist churches team up to screen The Shack

A group of Baptist churches have arranged a special screening of The Shack, which will be followed by a question and answer session with the film’s director


The Shack is the film adaption of the popular book by William P Young. It opened in British cinemas on 9 June, and is directed by Christian Stuart Hazledine, whose brother David is a Baptist minister.  
Baptist churches in Berkshire have teamed up with the Showcase cinema complex in Reading to offer a special screening on 16 June.  
The idea was to get a mix of Christians and those with no church background to watch the film and then discuss the issues it raises after, explained Keith Wilson, minister of Lower Earley Baptist Church, one of the participating churches.
‘The idea for hosting a special screening came from my wife, Ann. Ann had read the book and been so moved by its impact that she wanted to both see the film and hear what other people thought about its portrayal of faith being found through suffering.
‘As a church we realised this was an event that would work well as a joint project so we teamed up with friends at Wokingham, Shinfield, Woodley and Tyndale Baptist churches to hire out the largest screen at the Showcase complex in Reading.
‘The team at Showcase headquarters have been extremely helpful and would be delighted to help other churches wishing to put on special screenings. We're also having wonderful support from Damaris.’

Damaris and Stuart are keen for other churches to organise their own screenings of The Shack. Contact tim@damaris.org

Damaris has also prepared free church resources for The Shack

'God enters our suffering with us' Interview with Stuart Hazeldine, director of The Shack

Baptist Times, 09/06/2017
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