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New appointments for Southern Counties Baptist Association 

SCBA is delighted to announce the appointment of three new regional ministers (RMs) to join other members of the continuing team, Clare Hooper, Amy Allen and Colin Norris

SCBAThe Revd Steve Barber has already been a member of the team as interim RM in our northern area, and he will become regional minister (H/T) for churches in ‘the north’.

The Revd Simon Gray will be moving into SCBA from Bratton (Wiltshire) and will particularly serve the south and east churches (H/T) and also become the operations lead (H/T) for the Association.

The Revd Jim Thomas becomes the mission development lead (H/T).

These new RMs will help us to develop increasing participation, mutual support and local+ networking across our churches, leaders and ministers. These roles will also help us to focus on partnering in mission development for existing congregations and for new contexts. 


Baptist Times, 22/06/2022
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