New minister called to Abbey Baptist Church
The Revd Julia Binney has been called to the pastorate of Abbey Baptist Church in Reading
The church has been without a minister for nearly three years and it was an answer to prayer that Julia accepted the call to serve as the pastor.
She was welcomed at a service on Saturday 17 November, with the Mayor of Reading, Cllr Debs Edwards in attendance. The pastors of the other three churches which meet on the premises also gave their warm welcome to Julia.
Coming from an Anglican background, Julia became a Christian in 1987 and was baptised in 1988. She then met and married Jim, a Baptist minister. They have been involved in church leadership together for 25 years in various churches in the Midlands and the South East.
She was ordained as a Baptist minister in 2004 and served in a large, busy London suburban church as a Joint Minister with Jim. She comes from serving as the minister at Knaphill Baptist Church near Woking.
She said, ‘I am really pleased to come to Abbey Baptist Church, a church with an important past and a great future. Jim and I hope to play our part in the significant impact the Christian Church of all denominations is currently making in our town. Reading provides so many opportunities to serve God and the people of our community.’
The church dates back to 1640. The church believes that exciting times lie ahead as God leads them into the next chapter of their long history.

Baptist Times, 05/12/2018