Taken from the Baptist compilations Prayers of the People (2011) and Gathering up the Crumbs (2020)
Open Space, Still Centre
God, everywhere and nowhere,
in grace and love full and overflowing…
as first in Christ,
You welcomed us with open hearts;
so now we welcome you into this quiet and holy space.
Immerse us, we pray,
within your Spirit’s generous flood
until we find our still centre
at home, in you
This prayer was written at ‘open spaces’ at the Baptist Assembly in 2004, by Richard Kidd
A morning prayer
Lord, this as every morning, we come to you fragmented, confused, distracted.
Take our fragmented minds and create us again.
May we have a clear eye and steady focus, to see and serve you in all things.
Keep us honest, steadfast and kind, centred in your wholesome and life giving presence.
Into your hands we commend our spirits. Amen.
Patricia Took
A prayer for transformation
Healing, redeeming transforming God, hear our prayers for the world
Where there is ugliness transform with beauty.
Where there is violence, bring peace,
Where there is deceit bring truthfulness.
Where there is shallow superficiality bring depth and authenticity.
Where there is evil bring forth goodness
And where there is despair, bring forth hope.
Roy Searle, Northumbria Community Trust
Love Regardless, a Prayer of Confession
He stands in the middle of the mess I’ve made of my life
Casting not a glance at the debris that surrounds his feet
And he looks at me
He looks at me
And simply says “Come”
And opening his arms
He welcomes me into an
all-encompassing embrace
I am held by those strong and loving arms
And I hear his words of comfort in my ear
As he reassures me
He reassures me
That all I have done is forgivable
That I am still loved
And worthy of his acceptance
And I begin to sense that acceptance
As I am securely held within the Father’s embrace
I know, I feel, within my soul, that unfathomable peace
Ali Taylor
So Few Words
So few words
So much to say
Fill me with your Word, Lord
So much pain
In my heart holds sway
Fill me with your peace, Lord
So many troubles
Filling each day
Fill me with your strength, Lord
Each day, you speak to me
Each day, you comfort me
Each day, you carry me
Every day, you love me.
Gail Scholes
Prayers of the People is a volume of prayers from nearly 100 contributors who, between them, encompassed the depth and breadth of British Baptist life.
Gathering up the Crumbs is collection of original worship material written, as part of the celebration of a centenary of Baptist women’s ordination, by women who are accredited to serve in the churches of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, Baptist Union of Scotland and Baptist Union of Wales.
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