Praying for our Children
How would those who lead our children like us to pray for them? And do they have recommendations on how we can encourage our children to cultivate a prayer life?
Baptists Together magazine invited members of our Children, Young People and Families (CYF) Round Table for their ideas
Prayer points for children
That they would hear God speaking above all other voices. That they know their value and worth.
That they would know that God wants to and can use them now as they are rather than what they will be. That they would know their voice is a gift to the church and that they are loved by God.
That all children understand clearly who Jesus was, what he has done for them. For them to know they are loved so much, and in turn they might learn to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.
To know that you are loved by Daddy God beyond anything we can humanly understand.
Ideas for cultivating a prayer life
Talk to God like he is the best friend you always wanted.
I would be curious about how they’re seeing God in their everyday life.
Keep a prayer diary. We are doing it at church and it’s amazing to see how the Lord answers prayers.
I love the idea of a prayer journal/diary, where children who struggle to pray out loud or may be non-verbal, could communicate with God through writing their prayers down in words or pictures. As long as what they are writing is from their hearts and is directed to God - I still see that as communication with God, as he looks at the heart.
Speaking to God is easy, like chatting to a best friend. Remember you have to listen too. God really wants to speak to you, so expect to hear from him!