Spring 2022 edition: Is it time for a new song?
We worship a creator God. We worship a
creative God. The very first verse of Scripture describes a creative act. One of God’s first commands to humans was a creative one (name the animals). In Isaiah, God is described as a potter, moulding us, his clay. The mind-boggling variety of birds, fish, animals, plants, flowers, insects and more testify to the creativity of the One who made them.
‘How many are your works, Lord!’ writes the Psalmist.
‘The earth is full of your creatures.’
We know too that God created humans in his own image (Genesis 1:27), each with different gifts (Romans 12:6). We see several references in scripture to those skilled in creating: from God’s equipping of the craftsmen in Exodus; the frequent references to songs and musical instruments, particularly in the story of David; the breathtaking temple built by Solomon and the skilled workers assigned to it (2 Chronicles 2:13-14).
Art and creativity have their place in God’s story; they have their place in ours too. And so this edition of
Baptists Together magazine is the first to have an intentional focus on the arts. Our recent editions have explored different aspects of the pandemic, such as what we’re learning and how we’ve responded; now we do so through the prism of art, in several mediums. How can art help us make sense of the last two years? How is art reflecting the emotions and the difficulties? God has given people the inspiration to create wonderful works of art – so what are the artists saying? How does art in general deepen our understanding of God? As one writer states, art can change our outlook and help us to see ourselves in new ways, as well as bring sacred texts to life. Our church stories also show how art communicates to and connects communities.
Is it time for a new song? We certainly hope the following pages give insight and perspective on the role art, in all its myriad forms, has in our life; that they may provide a sense of hope while acknowledging the issues; and that they invite you to experience the space for yourself.
The main articles in the magazine are featured below: | The Pitmen Painters | Lynn Green on how a group of miners who took up painting not only inspired her creativity, but also offered profound insights to discipleship
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A printed copy of the magazine was sent to each minister, church secretary and church treasurer and you can also
download a copy from our Resource Library.