Belmont Road Baptist Church
A 'friendly church' with a new full-time minister
A small dedicated team of leaders who make an immense contribution to church life
Your giving to Home Mission gives opportunities to 'grow the church'

“We are a friendly church, we all agree about that!” This claim was made by church members as we put together the church profile in our quest to find a new Minister. The completed profile was an honest and frank assessment of the church’s strengths and weaknesses. In a subsequent prayer meeting, it was agreed to ‘put the feelers out’ to see whether there was someone able and prepared to answer the call. It turned out that the person was the current Moderator! So after 30 years not in church based pastoral ministry, I returned to the role and started full time with the church in November 2021.
Membership is about 35 with half aged over 65. There is a small core of dedicated and very active leaders who make an immense contribution to church life. The church has a weekly Toddler Church bursting at the seams, a BB&GA of about 50 children and young people, a Sunday Club and a growing Lunch Club for people over 60. One challenge for the congregation would appear to be to encourage in those who attend such a sense of belonging that they come farther up and further in to an awareness of and desire for Christ in their lives.
Belmont Road is in the Bennetts End Ward of Hemel Hempstead. The area has higher than national average levels of home ownership, good health and professional households and has lower than average number of people on Universal Credit. This is not to say that the area has no social need, just that it is not pronounced and may be harder to identify and to develop a response. Some in the church are very keen that we do just that. We’re working on it.
Support from Home Mission gives us a fantastic opportunity to ‘grow the church’ – in all understandings of that term. Thank you.
Please pray that we will be refreshed in our life together; be adventurous for the Gospel, try new ways of being, become what others need and desire and in all this may we be prompted, equipped and led by the Spirit of God.
Tim Keightley
April 2022
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