King's Community Church, Letchworth
Blessing the community with gifts of food and everyday essentials through 'The King's Cabin' food hub
Trusted by the community as people who care
“Feeling really blessed and overwhelmed”.

Just one of the very many messages received by the team at King’s Community Church Letchworth in response to the numerous Christmas hampers and gift parcels sent out from their newly installed porta-cabin Food Hub: ’The King’s Cabin’.

Set in one of the most deprived parts of Letchworth we are so blessed to be able to reach out to our neighbours with gifts of food and other everyday essentials, and through the on-going ministry of the King’s Cabin which has grown and developed since the beginning of the Covid Crisis and through this ministry God has touched the lives of so many.

However, we have seen through the different stages of the pandemic that the need has not changed and it will remain with us for the unforeseen future and so the team is determined to continue as long as the Lord keeps on blessing us with ‘supplies’ we will be constant in passing them on.
We are but a smallish church with only 8 members in full or part time employment and so we are blessed to be in receipt of Home Mission Funding without which it would be so difficult to fulfill our mission of friendship evangelism into our community. A community who have learnt to trust us as people who really do care.

We have now opened ‘The King’s Café’, a drop in open for anyone who wishes to come in, and working alongside our Cabin offering refreshments and a warm pleasant place to meet friends and chat with members of the church team.
Please pray for us as we believe that from both these ministries and the ministry of our Tots group we will be able to start an Alpha or similar group for those who are now ‘our friends’.
David Wheatley
January 2022
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