BMS flood relief in Bangladesh
Rising waters decimated their villages. Family members and food supplies were taken by the flood. These are the stories of three people in rural Bangladesh slowly finding hope again.
“I lost four members of my family in the flood. My wife, mother, daughter and son were drowned in the boat. They were trying to get to safety as the flood waters rose, but the boat capsized, and seven people were killed. I am the only one left alive. In the flood I lost my house. It collapsed in the flood waters and it is gone.”
This is how Karmjit’s* story begins. He’s just one of the people whose lives BMS World Mission supporters protected this summer, after flood waters destroyed everything he held dear. Keep reading, and you’ll realise that his story is a devastating onslaught of grief, and loss – but one ending with hope. Hope because after flood waters destroyed the hopes and homes of over 800 people like Karmjit in rural Bangladesh, BMS supporters stepped in, providing emergency food, rations and pastoral support to those who had lost everything.

“With the help of the relief I hope to live again, because Jesus Christ has sent you to me.”
This is how Karmjit’s story ends. He has hope because of your generous and faithful support. His is one of three stories of how the BMS Disaster Relief fund can transform lives after the worst happens. And these three testimonies are just some of the many stories we could tell, because thanks to BMS supporters, BMS has been able to help over 800 people from the Sreemongal, Manikgonj and Shirajgonj communities in rural Bangladesh. Read the stories, and then imagine 800 more people receiving hope in despair. Know that your support really does save and change lives.
Gayan's* Story

“My name is Gayan from Sreemongal District. I am a simple tea garden worker and everything was destroyed by a landslide. I can’t do any work, so I don’t have food in my house. I am in starvation trouble with my wife, a boy and my daughter. By you giving this relief help we have regained our hope of survival. We are very poor and in many troubles. Pray for my family. I believe this way you will always be with us and pray for us.”
Puja's* Story

“My name is Puja from Manikganj District. I am a sick woman. My whole body was burned in a fire. I can’t do anything. I am a disabled and helpless woman and my small house was flooded in the wild. Your help will help me to survive. With this meal God has helped me through you. Pray for me so that I can be fully healed.”
BMS World Mission's Kwame Adzam recently visited Bangladesh to see the work BMS supporters have made possible.

"During my visit to Bangladesh, I had the privilege of meeting some of the BMS-supported workers supporting the people affected by these devastating floods. It was a privilege to visit them, pray with them and hear some of the amazing stories of people encountering God’s transforming love.
"In one of the places where the items were distributed, a woman was found crying after she had received her gift. One of the workers asked her why she was crying, and she said, 'We have been forgotten here in this village, we received no help from those we were expecting help from. But from unexpected people, we have received this help and now we feel loved and special. I am just overwhelmed by the love that we have received from you.'”
The BMS Disaster Recovery fund allows local Christians and trusted partners to mobilise when disasters like these strike. Because of generous past giving from BMS supporters, a £5,000 grant was swiftly approved to provide emergency food packages for decimated villages. Led by the Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha (BBCS), the food packages were distributed from local church centres by pastors.
*Names changed.
This story was originally published on the BMS World Mission website and is used with permission.
Baptist Times, 04/10/2019