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'The war has become a powerful catalyst for creativity and sacrifice' 

Baptists in Ukraine continue to serve across every region caring for the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of their communities - something mirrored in neighbouring countries

The following was shared in the latest (September) update from the European Baptist Federation  

Ukraine collageThe situation has stayed similar in Ukraine toward the end of the summer. The highest concentration of fighting and the most desperate need are in the east and south. Limited access to food, water, electricity, and transit out of occupied regions continues to press the region into a humanitarian crisis. Many fear the consequences of the harsh winter approaching.

Though fighting is concentrated in the east, cities in the west still experience sporadic missile strikes and air raids in Russia’s efforts to destabilise the country. Despite this, many who were internally displaced from the north and central regions have risked returning to rebuild their lives. Baptists continue to serve across every region caring for the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of their neighbours.

Numerous pastor retreats were held around the country during the summer to refresh and restore those wearily serving others. Youth camps provided spaces of relief for children who remain and youth leaders were able to hold a conference to re-energise and encourage those ministering to young people.

In Kyiv, one church was able to still host an annual day camp for those with special needs. A women's prayer breakfast in one church focused on praying for those fighting and for those who are displaced. The Nikolaev Baptist Church in an area with heavy shelling recently held a packed church Sunday church service. Despite explosions and the difficult situation in the city, these people came to God's house looking for support, stability, and peace.

In Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi a new church was consecrated, after less than two years of building. Leaders at the opening service commented, “The consecration of a new house of prayer during war means that God always has a view of tomorrow. God started something yesterday and is developing it today for tomorrow,"

Humanitarian aid projects continue across the country. Churches in the central and eastern regions continue to provide aid, electricity, and water to those on the front lines and, when possible, in occupied areas as well. As people continue to move across the country, Baptists provide transportation for those seeking safety.

Remarkably, even after months of war, Ukrainian Baptists continue to embrace their opportunity to meet the physical and social needs of their communities and delight in the chance to share Christ in the midst of suffering. The war has become a powerful catalyst for creativity and sacrifice.They continue to sow seeds of hope to those in need.

Outside of Ukraine, Baptists continue on in similar work of sowing seeds of hope. In Romania, All4Aid partners have been asked numerous times by locals, "why are you doing this? Why are you still helping?" Their answer mirrors that of countless churches, leaders, and volunteers around the EBF region: We serve because Christ first loved us.

In fact, numerous reports from Germany, Romania, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, and of course Ukraine have all highlighted the professional, quality care and aid Baptists have been able to provide across the region. Local authorities, international NGOs, and aid organisations have all praised the quality work of Baptists. Our brothers and sisters are shining the light of Christ brightly in this dark time.

Ongoing prayer needs:
  • Pray God's protection for those ministering to the destitute left behind in conflict areas and occupied areas.
  • Pray for the ministries of Ukrainian Baptists, where even normal church activities have become responses to the war as they care for the physical and spiritual needs of their communities.
  • Pray for continued sacrificial giving and service as those in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries prepare for a difficult winter.
  • Pray that peace will come soon and Ukraine can continue to rebuild.
  • Pray for the families who are separated and having to make difficult decisions about where and how to resettle outside of Ukraine.

This update was shared by the European Baptist Federation. Sign up for their regular Ukraine updates here

Baptist Times, 08/09/2022
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