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'We request fervent prayer for just peace' 

Baptists across Israel and the Palestinian Territories share calls to prayer 

Israel Palestine prayer EBF

Baptists across Israel and the Palestinian Territories request fervent prayer for just peace, reports the European Baptist Federation.

This includes the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel with 17 Baptist churches and the Council of Local Evangelical Churches in the Holy Land representing 13 Baptist churches in the Palestinian Territories, including a Baptist church in Gaza.

Together as a Baptist family that is one in Christ Jesus, let us mourn with all whose loved ones have been killed or are held captive. Let us follow paths of peacemaking that unequivocally reject terrorism or any acts that target civilians, include dehumanising language, or limit human rights on the basis of ethnicity or faith.

Let us generously provide help and support with the compassion of Christ.

Let us stand together with our Baptist family and all who are suffering, and in the midst of complexity and violence, hear again the words of the prophet Micah “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly” in pursuit of restorative justice and peace for all people.

Our Baptist leaders in the region have shared the following calls to prayer.

  • Pray for a quick end to the conflict and the prevention of escalation into a larger war in the region.
  • Pray for the God of all comfort to be with those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.
  • Pray for those who have been wounded during the conflict and for those providing medical assistance to them.
  • Pray for the safety and liberation of hostages, and pray for mediators to facilitate their release.
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment for the leaders, that they may make decisions that lead to lasting peace and alleviate suffering.
  • Pray that Christians from around the world will unite in prayer for peace, demonstrating the love of Christ to all peoples.
  • Pray for safety of local followers of Jesus and that they will be shielded from extremism and hatred, especially young people.
  • Pray for God to utilise our churches as effective witnesses during this challenging time, through the power of the Holy Spirit, including the Baptist church in Gaza and its ongoing ministry.
  • Pray that Christians around the world will give generously as our Baptist family across this area seeks to holistically minister in this critical time of suffering.
  • Pray for peace, hope, and security for the entire region, and that the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays so that Israelis and Palestinians will experience life lived in peace and freedom with one another. 

A prayer guide created by the EBF and the Baptist World Alliance, calling the global Baptist family to prayer, can be accessed here

In an email update, the EBF reminded supporters of the need to pray for other conflicts and situations in the region.

'As the different crises in the EBF region escalate, we continue to lift up our brothers and sisters in these countries and respond to their needs,' it stated.

'In Isaiah’s vision of the coming Kingdom, he recognises that the Lord “will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people.” Although we live in a time when the Kingdom of God has not yet come in its fullness, we can still pray for glimpses of this kingdom to be seen at this time.

'We pray with our brothers and sisters in Israel and Palestinian Territories, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Russia; for the intervention of our Heavenly Father and the in-breaking of his Kingdom at this moment in history to restore peace between nations.

'We pray with our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria; for healing and restoration as they still suffer from the massive earthquake in February 2023.'

Baptist Times, 17/10/2023
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