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New Christmas film 'relevant in the light of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict'

Churches are being encouraged to show a short animation that highlights the significant link between the original Christmas story and the lived refugee experience being faced by those living in and around Bethlehem right now


The new version of the film Far From Home has been released by the UK charity Sanctuary Foundation.  
The three and a half minute film ‘reminds audiences not only about the struggles that were faced that first Christmas, but about people around the world today who have nowhere to call home or who feel far from home,’ noted the Sanctuary Foundation in a press release.
‘It tells the story of a family who are forced to leave their home not just once but twice, showing some of the obstacles they face in trying to find shelter in time for the birth of a child.
‘The narrative provides a powerful insight into the events surrounding the first Christmas that contrasts sharply with the traditional ‘silent night, all is calm’ image.
‘It is particularly relevant in the light of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict and the many children around the world who find themselves far from home this Christmas.’
Far From Home is told from the perspective of a child, and is available both in English and in Arabic.
The English version is narrated by a 12-year-old boy who currently lives in Bethlehem.
The film is available as a free resource for churches, schools and community groups to use in the run up to Christmas.
Dr Krish Kandiah OBE, founder and director of Sanctuary Foundation, said, ‘I highly recommend churches, schools and community groups to show 'Far From Home' as part of their Christmas celebrations this year, to show that the Christmas story of hope is as relevant now as ever.
‘It can help us reflect on what we can do to bring peace, comfort and joy, especially to all those forcibly displaced from their homes by conflict.’
The Revd Dr Isaac Munther, pastor of Christmas Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, said, ‘Too often people forget that Bethlehem - where the events of the first Christmas took place - was a town facing occupation, violence and threat: it still is today.
‘The real Christmas message is that Jesus was born among the occupied and marginalised. He is in solidarity with us in our pain and brokenness, and calls people everywhere to do the same.’

The film is animated by videographer John Bowen, and available here

Further resources are available here: sanctuaryfoundation.org.uk

Baptist Times, 27/11/2024
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