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‘I felt called to help bring churches into the digital age’ 

Oliver Wilkinson explains why he set up an organisation to help forge digital bridges between church and community

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Wednesday, 4 February 2004. A day that wouldn’t stand out in most people’s memory, but a day that silently shaped modern history. The day a small website, built by an unknown student, was launched to connect Harvard students with one another.
What was it called? TheFacebook. Later known as the popular, Facebook.
The first real introduction of a social media site to the world. What would follow, could only be described as a phenomenon. Facebook ended 2004 with 1 million users and began the modern “space race” to have the social media site everyone was on or wanted to be on. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, WhatsApp, YouTube. Names all too familiar in today’s digital world. Social Media sites that now have combined 4.9 billion users. Or, 60 per cent of the world’s population!
The idea that social media is simply a fad, a trend or a just a novelty is wrong. This is a movement, a new era – a digital era. Today, this digital era is the new marketplace of ideas, reshaping every aspect of life, and the local church is no exception. We have 168 hours in a week, yet often confine our outreach to just one. That leaves 167 hours brimming with the chance to connect with billions.  
How do churches grab this opportunity?
That’s the question I pondered.
Through prayer and reflection, I felt called to help bring churches into the digital age and founded Genesis Studios. A faith-based digital agency dedicated to helping churches and Christian organisations to interact with social media platforms.

Genesis Medium-Logo

Our work with Frinton Free Church, (a Baptist church in North Essex) is a testament to the help we can give. Since we began building a social media strategy with The Free, we have had great success. Mark Massey, the senior minister there, has provided us with this testimony:

'As a church leader, I could see the huge potential of using social media to reach our community, but also knew I lacked the skills and insight to use it well. If I’m honest, my approach to social media was to make it up as I went along!

'Working with Genesis has meant our community suddenly feels closer to the life of our church.

'The “likes” and “shares” from our posts has jumped dramatically and I am often meeting people who are telling me that they’ve seen what we’re doing “online”. It feels like our church has a larger presence outside of our Sunday gatherings.'

It isn’t just about the numbers online. It’s about stories shared, faiths strengthened, and bringing communities closer together. It’s about John, who stumbled upon your church’s video or advert and found a community he now calls family. Or Sarah, whose faith was reignited through a series of inspirational posts about The Gospel.
While traditional church attendance has faced challenges, there's a burgeoning digital congregation waiting to be reached. This digital era is here, and the church needs to keep pace. If not, we risk further losing touch with the younger generation who are increasingly consuming content online. Engaging on these platforms doesn’t dilute the sanctity of The Church, instead, it opens avenues to connect, engage, and inspire a wider audience.
As you can tell, I’m passionate about helping local churches harness the potential of social media. Myself, and Genesis Studios would love to serve you and your church. With understanding and time, we can implement a strategy to help increase your church’s digital presence.

We’re not just about creating content. We’re about forging digital bridges between Church and community. Encouraging your existing congregation to deepen their faith, whilst extending a missional opportunity for the Gospel into your community.
I’m here to help churches through Genesis Studios. If you are interested in learning more about how social media can support and grow your church; or if you’re interested in my services as Genesis Studios, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can reach me through our website:
Or you can reach me directly through email at: oliver.wilkinson@genesis-studios.org.uk.

I look forward to hearing from you all and helping thrust your church through this digital era.


Oliver WilkinsonOliver Wilkinson founded Genesis Studios, leveraging his expertise in digital marketing and web design.

His life transformed in 2020 when he embraced faith, becoming a devoted follower of Christ.

Driven by a divine calling, he established Genesis Studios to empower churches to flourish in today's digital age

Baptist Times, 05/10/2023
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