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‘It will help you encounter Jesus in new and deeper ways’

Mosaic Creative has announced the release of a new book and audiobook of biblical monologues for churches called Following the Son by Jackie Mouradian

Following the SonMosaic Creative is a small training consultancy specialising in the use of drama and art to enhance learning and development, spearheaded by Jackie alongside Bill Crooks, both members of Wokingham Baptist Church.
Its new resource tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, from the point of view of some who knew him well and some who met him once, but whose lives were changed forever as a result.
Jackie says, ‘The thoughts and feelings of Jesus’ disciple Simon Peter is the thread that weaves the book together, starting with the first miraculous catch of fish when Jesus calls Peter to follow him, and ending with breakfast on the beach, where Jesus restores Peter and calls him again to build the early church.
‘It transports readers and listeners into the hearts and minds of many characters in the New Testament, each monologue revealing their unique experiences and emotions.’
Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union has endorsed the book, saying, ‘If you want to enter into the story; if you want to feel it, experience it, then this book of monologues will help you encounter Jesus in new and deeper ways.
‘As a mother I found the monologue of Mary at the cross particularly moving.’
Jackie is a community development worker, actor and script writer.
For the last 20 years, as part of Mosaic Creative, she has worked with her colleague Bill Crooks, in the UK and overseas, providing community engagement training courses and resources for churches, including creative Bible studies and practical community tools.  
Jackie is passionate about bringing the Bible to life through the power of drama with the aim of helping churches reflect on Jesus’ heart for the vulnerable and marginalised and encouraging them to fulfil their role as a catalyst for change in their communities.
The collection is designed for both individual readers and group settings, making it ideal for Bible studies, church services and personal reflection.

Following the Son is available for purchase on the Mosaic Creative website as a book and audiobook


Baptist Times, 21/10/2024
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