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Join the movement: a day to catalyse church planting and evangelism  

Simon Goddard shares details about the Everyone Everywhere National Conference on Tuesday 8 October

Everyone Everywhere (1)

Are you passionate about seeing new Christian communities spring up in places where they’re most needed? Do you have a heart for sharing the message of Jesus in innovative and impactful ways? If so, you won’t want to miss this pivotal event – a day designed to energize, equip, and encourage you to be part of launching new missional communities, churches, and Christian gatherings across the UK. 

Why attend? 

On Tuesday, 8 October in Sheffield, Baptists from across the country will gather for a unique day conference, a catalyst for the future of church planting and evangelism. This isn’t just another conference - it’s a conversation, a collaboration, and a call to action. Whether you’re already involved in church planting or just exploring the idea, this event is for you. 

The conference is perfect for leaders, ministers, members, leadership teams, Ministers in Training (MiTs), Newly Accredited Ministers (NAMs), Regional Ministers, and college tutors across our Baptist Together movement. Numbers are limited, so book now to secure your place and ensure that your team can benefit from this transformative day. 

What to expect 

Arrive from 9:30am and take advantage of the great opportunity to meet others who share your passion for evangelism and church planting. After an opening session of introductions and worship at 10am, the morning will feature a keynote address from Dave Ferguson, a globally recognised leader in church planting movements. Dave Ferguson, from Exponential and New Thing, will speak on the gospel imperative to share faith and plant churches, and the need for diversity of approach in our efforts. 

Following Dave Ferguson’s inspiring address, a panel of contributors from across our Baptist family will provide an opportunity for dialogue and discussion. This session is a chance to hear about the various seminars and streams available throughout the day and to engage with key themes around evangelism and church planting. 

Deep dive into practical seminars 

The heart of this conference lies in its practical seminars, designed to equip you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to turn your passion into action. At noon, participants can choose from a variety of seminars focused on Missional Approaches

  • Chris DuffettChris Duffett will lead a session on Evangelism, exploring fresh and creative ways to share the gospel. 
  • Peter Dunn Jack SykesPeter Dunn and Jack Sykes will dive into Disciple Making Movements, offering practical insights into creating disciple-making cultures within new communities. 
  • Ben LucasBen Lucas will explore Missional Listening through his unique ‘Boats and Harbours’ concept, helping you discern God’s leading in your missional context. 
  • Simon JaySimon Jay will discuss the challenges and opportunities of pioneering, for those called to a more prophetic approach. 

After a lunch break, with time to grab something to eat from nearby shops, network, visit stands, and share ideas, the second set of seminars will begin. These sessions, focused on Missional Contexts, offer another opportunity to engage with practical and context-specific strategies: 

  • Anne Scott Dave GregoryDave Gregory and Anne Scott will address environmental issues, offering a creation care perspective as well as thinking about starting new ‘outdoor’ expressions of church. 
  • Saba Sharon AlexSaba Riazi, Sharon Shek and Alex Harris will focus on reaching migrant communities, providing valuable insights into cross-cultural evangelism. 
  • Isabella SeniorIsabella Senior will lead a session on young adults, an often overlooked but crucial demographic. 
  • Ali Boulton Penny MarshPenny Marsh and Ali Boulton will discuss new housing, sharing strategies for church planting in the large number of new developments. 

Bringing it all together 

The day will conclude with a time of substantive responses to questions posed throughout the event via Mentimeter, ensuring that your voice is heard and your questions addressed. The final session of closing worship will send you out with renewed energy and vision, ready to plant new seeds of faith in your community. 

For those who want to delve even deeper, there’s an opportunity of a trio of after-hours opportunities:  

  1. an informal session with Dave Ferguson promises to be a highlight, offering additional insights and the chance to connect personally with one of the leading voices in church planting today; 
  2. an informal Q&A session with a number of our seminar contributors; or 
  3. an opportunity to continue in worship and prayer for the Holy Spirit to work in your context and place, led by the worship band of The Well. 

The conference runs from 0930 to 1630, with after-hours opportunities from 1630-1800. 

Secure your place today 

This conference is more than just an event – it’s the beginning of something new, something transformative. Whether you’re a seasoned church planter or just beginning to explore the possibilities, this day is designed to equip, inspire, and send you out with the tools you need to make a lasting impact for Jesus.

But remember, spaces are limited, so click on the link below to book your tickets now to ensure you don’t miss out on this important opportunity. They’re only £10! 

Join us in Sheffield on 8 October and be part of a renewal in our Baptist movement that’s making Jesus known in new and exciting ways across the UK. 

Tickets here: Everyone Everywhere National Conference Tickets, Tue, Oct 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite  

Everyone Everywhere is a Baptists Together wide collaboration bringing together our best resources, ideas, and energy, hosted by the St Hild Centre for Church Planting.

Funded by Baptist Insurance Company, and with a wide advisory group made of various elements of our Baptist family, Everyone Everywhere is steered by a working group of Alex Harris, Pam Davies, Andy Glover, Isabella Senior, Simon Goddard, Kwame Adzam and Paul O’Neil.

Simon, a former Regional Minister in the Eastern Baptist Association, is Director of RiverTree, which he set up in 2018 to catalyse, cultivate and collaborate in pursuit of fruitfulness in the mission of God.

For more visit everyoneeverywhere.church


Baptist Times, 12/09/2024
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