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Smaller churches contacts

If you’d like to get in touch with your local Small Church enabler, please use the contact details below:
Central Baptist Association Mary Moody Click here to email
Eastern Baptist Association Claire Blatchford Click here to email
East Midland Baptist Association Nick Ashton Click here to email
Heart of England Baptist Association Adrian Argile Click here to email
London Baptist Association Hany Abdelmasih Click here to email
London Baptist Association Fran Bellingham Click here to email
Northern Baptist Association Linda Donaldson Click here to email
North Western Baptist Association Phil Jump Click here to email
South Eastern Baptist Association Joth Hunt Click here to email
Southern Counties Baptist Association Jim Thomas Click here to email
South Wales Baptist Association Rob May Click here to email
South West Baptist Association Nigel Manges Click here to email
West of England Baptist Network Alistair Longwill Click here to email
Yorkshire Baptist Association Debbie Gamble Click here to email
Baptist Union of Scotland Jim Purves Click here to email
Baptist Union of Wales Carwyn Graves Click here to email
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Contact form for Linda Donaldson - NBA Smaller Churches contact
Contact form for Mary Moody - CBA Smaller Churches contact
Contact form for Fran Bellingham - LB Smaller Churches contact
Contact form for Carwyn Graves - small church enabler for Baptist Union of Wales
Contact form for Nick - small church enabler for EMBA
Contact form for Debbie Gamble
     Smaller Churches 
    Posted: 04/10/2022
    Posted: 04/10/2022
    Posted: 04/10/2022
    Posted: 25/10/2021
    Posted: 01/07/2020
    Posted: 15/06/2020
    Posted: 15/06/2020
    Posted: 15/06/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 18/02/2020
    Posted: 11/02/2020
    Posted: 11/02/2020