General Resources
The following resources have been found to be useful to a number of our smaller churches. If you have come across any others which you think would be valuable in to smaller churches, please
contact Hilary Taylor.
Worship Resources
Worship leading course
A seven session course that looks at some of the theological and practical issues around leading worship.
Engage Worship training, workshops and events
Training, input and inspiration in creative, innovative worship for your worship group, leadership team or church network
Resound Worship
A collective of British worship songwriters seeking to resource the church with songs that engage heart, mind and soul. Their desire is to share these songs as widely as possible, so many of their resources are completely free.
Musicademy training days
Each year Musicademy offers a small number of 'public' training days of worship training seminars. In addition, their team are available for bespoke training at your church. They also provide a range of resources for musicians in the 'products' section of the website. |
Sermon Illustrations
Sermonspice offers sermon illustration videos, worship backgrounds, and church countdowns
Sermon.com provides tools and ideas for pastors and church leaders to help them lead well. From ideas on sermon topics, to sermon outlines, to insightful articles on preaching, teaching, church growth and more. |
Graphics and Media Resources
Share Faith offers all-in-one church worship and outreach resources to engage and grow disciples
Sermon Central
Equipping a worldwide community of Pastors and Ministry Leaders with free sermons for preaching inspiration |
A free inspirational discipleship video every weekday of the year
Prayer Resources
Prayer course
An 8 week journey through the Lord’s Prayer with Pete Greig
Small group study resources
A study guide to encourage groups from smaller churches to recognise their strengths, develop their relationships and serve their community. A five-session course with accompanying videos for download:
Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4 and Session 5 |
Christianity Explored
A relaxed and informal way of sharing the best news you can ever hear, giving people space and time to think about the big questions of life, through seven sessions in Mark’s Gospel.
Life explored
Seven interactive sessions based on stunning films shot all over the globe will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and see how, in Christ, God meets their deepest desires for happiness. |
Discipleship explored
An eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians is ideal for believers at any stage of the Christian life. It features documentary-style films and inspiring real-life stories from around the world, Bible studies and weekly reading plans, and a Handbook.
The Bereavement Journey
This seven-session series of films and facilitated discussion helps people bereaved in any way and at any time to process their loss. The final optional session also gives them a chance to explore faith questions arising in their bereavement from a Christian perspective. ‘It creates space to understand the powerful emotions we all feel when someone close dies’. Oakes Baptist Church in Huddersfield has run the The Bereavement Journey five times - click here to read more about it from Trustee Richard Waller.
The Word one to one
The Word One to One has everything you need to take a friend through the book of John. Each booklet divides the gospel into accessible, bitesize chunks - called which take 20 - 30 minutes to work through together.
Known and loved
6 session course to prepare you to show and tell others that they are known and loved by God. Free on website to download (Chris Duffett/Light College)
Small Church Essentials
Affirming small church leaders and showing them how to identify what they do well, and how to do it even better.
Author: Karl Vaters
Published: Moody Press (2018)
ISBN: 978 08024 1806 7 |
Ready Steady Grow
Looks realistically at the barriers to growth, as well as the hurdles of reorganisation and structural changes that growing churches inevitably face.
Author: Ray Evans
Published: IVP (2014)
ISBN: 978 17835 9113 8 |
Messages that move
A practical guide to the art of preparing and delivering Bible talks that lead to genuine transformation through the gospel.
Author: Tim Hawkins
Published: The Good Book Company (2013)
ISBN: 978 19087 6237 5 |
How to stop going to church and instead be the church. A not-so-new guide to being church and doing life
Authors: Michael Moynagh and Rob Peabody
Published: Monarch Books (2016)
ISBN: 978 08572 1765 3
Personal Transformation
Personal Transformation: Christ In Us
Author: Yinka Oyekan
Published: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2018)
ISBN: 978-1987766912 |
Other Resources
Check out these Facebook groups:
A ministry to those with additional needs which offers free material for an alternative Sunday School experience for 5-19 year olds with special needs |
Where do we grow from here?
Explore Ken Benjamin's theme during his year as President of Baptists Together (2019-2020) which included looking at Whole-Life Discipleship and Missional Communities
New Housing Hub
A Network for Christians of all traditions who have a vision for engaging with new housing communities |
Mark’s Gospel monologue
Howard Jones would be happy to bring his performance of Mark's Gospel to other community settings. Tickets can be booked by phone 07980 365140 or on revhcj@gmail.com
Rural Ministries
Rural Ministries has a range of publications, guidance, policies that can help equip you for the pastoral and practical side of your ministry. It also offers training and conferences that are practical, relevant and affordable. |
Faith in Later Life
Inspiring and equipping Christians to reach, serve and empower older people in every community. They have free resources, practical ideas and lots more. |
Resources for ‘non churchy’ gatherings |
The Resources Cupboard
An organisation to help churches to start children or youth work. Family, school, community & church. Ideas for all those areas. |
Churches get stuck – how to breakthrough and move forward? 18 month course (Yinka Oyekan/How Do We Grow From Here?) |
Advent Resources
North Western Baptist Association has produced Advent and Christmas resources - here, here and here |