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Inspiring Leadership Programme

Inspiring Today’s and Tomorrow’s Young Baptist Leaders

Are you a young leader, or potential leader, in your church?  Are you looking to develop your leadership skills in Jamaica?  Well, why not explore our Baptist Union’s new initiative, Inspiring Leadership Programme (ILP).
It might even inspire you to think about serving God in full time Christian ministry. 
This is a new annual two-month gap programme which seeks to encourage mainly Baptist young people of colour, between the ages of 18-23, to develop their leadership potential in Jamaica with the support of our Union’s long-standing partner, the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU).  

Read Lois' story from 2018 

Read Dion's story from 2017

JBULOGOFINALProgramme content

We are considering two streams: 
  1. Christians in ministry stream 
  2. Christians in business stream

Those exploring a call to Baptist ministry might consider exploring the Christians in Ministry Stream and those considering exploring opportunities in business might want to consider the later stream 
Accommodation will be provided in the homes of Jamaican Baptists to enable each Inspiring Team student to get a feel of Jamaican culture. Those exploring Christians in Ministry Stream may stay at UTC (United Theological College) during their stay. 

The stream the young person embarks upon will largely determine the costing. But we think it will be in the region of two thousand pounds. 
How will I raise the money? 
  • Support from your local church 
  • Taking part in sponsored events 
  • Organising small events and charging entrance fees 
  • Seeking grants from Trust Funds  
What does the cost cover? 
The costs cover flight, food, accommodation, visas, and insurance.  It does not cover personal spending money, the cost of vaccinations, minor medical costs, insurance excesses, travel to and from a London airport. 
What kind of people are we looking for? 
Committed Christians involved in their local church  
Team players who are willing to work in relationship with others 
People with the unreserved support of their church 
Individuals who are flexible when situations change at short notice  

How will I be supported in Jamaica? 
  • You will be assigned a mentor both while in Jamaica and on your return 
  • Your host family  
  • Team members will be expected to provide mutual support 
  • Your UK Baptist church will be praying for you
  • You will be assigned to a local JBU Baptist church during your placement. 
  • Faith and Society Team will help facilitate process and identify support avenues if more are needed.  

Cross-cultural training
This will take place in Jamaica. The JBU have kindly agreed to deliver a training programme to meet the needs and concerns of the young person/s. 
What can you hope to achieve from ILP
So many good things can come out of Inspiring Teams, such as deepening relationships with your local Baptist church 
  • being enriched by serving God in Jamaica
  • strengthening your  call to ministry 

Please contact Wale Hudson-Roberts to find out more
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Inspiring Leadership - Business Stream
For those who wish to explore a call to Christian witness in a professional vocation
Inspiring Leadership - Ministry Stream
For young people considering whether God might be leading into church ministry
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