'The Spirit moved and blessed all who attended'
The small church hub in Buckinghamshire held their fifth event on Friday 31 January - a worship evening, as was requested after the last event

Thirty people from four churches gathered at Holmer Green Baptist Church to spend time in worship in a variety of ways.
Rachael and Matt led us sensitively in sung worship, interspersed with scripture, prayers and silence. People were invited to share pictures, scriptures or words of prophecy (which many did) through the evening as well as having the opportunity to write poems and psalms or draw pictures.
We had a time of sharing what God said to us using the things around the room, which was a blessing to many.
We were introduced to Tino Beru, the new Mission Leader at Totteridge Baptist Church. It was also good that Andrew Openshaw, regional minister of Central Baptist Association attended.
We concluded with a time of prayer for each of the 11 small churches in the hub.
The evening flowed as the Sprit moved and blessed all who attended.
If you are interested in your small church (under 40 people) being part of a hub, do contact Hilary Taylor, and visit the Smaller Churches area of the website
Baptist Times, 06/02/2025