'Spreading a counter infection of joy and hope'
Rockingham Road Baptist Church in Kettering held a service in its car park on Easter Sunday. Minister Laura Staves explains more
Owing to the make up of our congregation of whom a large proportion not have the internet, including those with learning difficulties, we have opened up our building again for services. Streaming services is not an option if we are aiming to be inclusive.
On Easter Sunday we had an outdoor service on our car park and we were able to sing (with permission from the local council).
We also knitted Easter Eggs, then either put up strings with a message in a few nearby spots in Kettering, or gave them out with a tract or Easter greeting attached.
Our aim was to spread a counter infection of joy and hope in the middle of the fear and anxiety that people are experiencing.
And we are sharing some photos in the hope it might bring some cheer and encouragement to fellowships like ours.
Baptist Times, 14/04/2021