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A Manifesto for Hope by Steve Chalke 

Passionate and practical, Chalke explores principles for transforming the lives of children, young people, and their families

A Manifesto for Hope by Steve A Manifesto for Hope - ten principles for transforming the lives of children, young people and their families
By Steve Chalke
ISBN 978-0-281-08779-2
Reviewed by Robert Draycott 

This is a book to be commended to the Baptist family in an election year. It is political in the sense of advocating policies that can benefit society in general and as well as benefitting a substantial portion of our population - there are 'far too many families and communities (for whom) our current system just isn't working'.

Steve Chalke is a man of action, the founder of Oasis, a visionary who can see how things 'could be', and an evangelist who wishes to share that vision as widely as possible and who wishes to contribute to a realisation of the Kingdom of God in our divided society.

This aptly named Manifesto is based upon years of experience with the 'system', on an analysis of and understanding of how that 'system' operates, of the structural weaknesses and the interconnectedness of the various components - including social care and welfare, education, and the justice system. It is passionate and practical, with a call for 'a radical new approach... a completely new way of working'. Passionate, practical, and certainly prophetic in its aim.

Here is a sample of the ten principles: An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory; without a vision the people perish; do things 'with' people not 'to' them; people follow people not disembodied ideas; people become what they believe. Then this slim volume concludes with 'The Manifesto for Hope: A new social covenant.'
The fourth point of this ten point covenant indicates why this is to be commended to the Baptist family: 'Acknowledges the central role of the voluntary sector - local charities, grassroots movements and faith groups-in a more imaginative, more collaborative , less bureaucratic, more transparent and more mutually accountable approach to community development'. 

Robert Draycott is a retired Baptist minister (various pastorates here and in Brazil), and a former chaplain of Eltham College              


Baptist Times, 31/05/2024
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