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Transforming Love: How friendship with Jesus changes us, by Amy Boucher Pye 

A gentle and helpful book, which uses the three stories of Mary, Martha and Lazarus to help us consider further what friendship with Jesus might look like

Transforming Love by Amy BouchTransforming Love: How friendship with Jesus changes us
By Amy Boucher Pye
ISBN 978-0-281-08795-2
Reviewed by: Jeannie Kendall 

This is a gentle and helpful book, which uses the three stories of Mary, Martha and Lazarus recorded in Luke10, John 11 and 12, to help us consider further what friendship with Jesus might look like.

In doing so she interweaves aspects of her own story with the biblical background and some practical suggestions to help us in our discipleship: this is a book to read with a notebook and pen to hand!

Particularly helpful are both the questions for reflection, and different ways to engage with the stories – such as Read, Reflect, Respond, Rest in Chapter One, praying with the Psalms (Chapter Four) and Receiving God’s Promises (Chapter Eight). She also has a leaders’ guide as this book would also work well for a small group. I will be giving some copies to friends myself!


Jeannie Kendall is a retired Baptist minister, a current tutor on the Pastoral Supervision course at Spurgeon’s College, and the author of Finding Our Voice and Held in Your Bottle, with a third book Heroes or Villains? released in July 2023

Baptist Times, 15/09/2023
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    Posted: 22/09/2023