Blacon Central Missional Communities
Hoole Baptist Church in Chester is one of our congregations and part of their vision is seeing missional communities develop around their area.
Associate Minister Ed Green leads the missional community reaching his local estate in Blacon, and here shares something of their work as ‘Blacon Central Missional Communities’
“Since we have been able to start meeting again on a regular basis, we have had a great year. Every Tuesday evening, our Kids’ club ‘Shout’ is running in Blacon’s URC building. Since relocating into Blacon from our previous venue in Chester city centre, Shout has doubled in number and more children are coming each week. One week, we had a fire pit and told the children that they are special to God. An eight-year-old girl replied, “I’m not.” We assured here she was but she wouldn’t have it. It broke our hearts. For a week we prayed for her loads as a team. The following week she came, this time with a massive smile on her face. The message was reiterated to the children and that perhaps someone they knew needed to hear that they were special to God. The same girl replied, “Yeah, my Mum needs to hear that.”
On a Sunday afternoon, one of our families decided that they would come even though it was two of their kids’ birthdays. We got them a cake and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to them and it was a great time together.
We have also started a discipleship group on Wednesday mornings. One of the mums coming has been having a very difficult time recently. She is separating from her partner, has three children and doesn’t know what the future looks like. She says she feels safe in church and that she ‘felt’ something that she can’t describe. She has loads of questions and is really searching. She is not the only one asking questions and open to talking about Jesus, faith and how it impacts everyday life. I am also part of a Charity called Blacon Beacon, which provides affordable food for those in need. We have been able to help some of the families that connect with us on a Sunday get access to this and find support in other areas too.

We are also involved in some of the local schools, and I have become involved in the local football club, Blacon Youth, and supporting one of the main people involved by helping out coaching. My boys play for the club and I have been deliberate in building more links in the community and spending more time with people (as COVID put a halt on a lot of that). My heart and the vision we have is to make disciples of people in Blacon. We are seeing people move toward Jesus as well as helping them practically. Along with my wife Lynsey, and our team, we are more passionate and motivated than ever to demonstrate and communicate the love of God to Blacon.’
What would it look like for our churches to be focused on serving, blessing and reaching the people of our community? What might that look like for you?
Ed Green - Associate Minister of Hoole Baptist Church
January 2023
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