Llanelwy Community Church
As we begin 2023, we look forward to opportunities to share the Gospel and engage with our communities in the coming year. Before we know it, Easter will be upon us and then we have opportunities for events surrounding the coronation of King Charles.
As we think about possibilities for this year, here is some encouragement from last year, and from Paul Asbridge of Llanelwy Community Church in North Wales! Be inspired, and dream about what could happen where you are in the coming months...

“Where do I start? So much seems to be opening up again, we have new people joining us, and the Queen’s Jubilee was a great opportunity for outreach when we had a stand at an outdoor event run by the local council on fields by the river. At least one person is now attending regularly as a result. We have another new attendee being prepared for baptism and others expressing an interest in membership. However, the catalyst and good news

for this is the return to opening our building post-Covid, which we marked with an event by sharing and celebrating a Passover meal.
Not only was it an opportunity for our fellowship to come together again and celebrate simply being and working together, face-to-face, but it was also a great opportunity for outreach. We were blessed by a number of people joining us from both local and surrounding communities. It was a time when there was a coming together of people from within our church, from other churches and from the wider community. It was a great time of unity and joy which was heart-warming.

The food was wonderful! A full three-course meal that was prepared and served by our church members and by people from other fellowships. It followed Biblical teaching around the Jewish Passover and how Jesus was to be the fulfilment as the Passover Lamb. There was lots of singing, interaction and laughter! The children played a particular part in the celebration and it was so refreshing to see after the constraints of the last couple of years.

The preparations for Easter also included a wonderful ‘living’ Easter Garden which was situated prominently in our High Street window. It was remarkable how many passers-by stopped to look. On more than one occasion, we saw what appeared to be grand-parents bringing youngsters to the window and seemingly explaining what it was all about. What a fantastic witness! And what a wonderful and blessed start to our post-Covid rebirth.
How are you planning to share the good news of Easter this year?
How might the coronation weekend be an opportunity for mission for you?
Paul Asbridge - minister of Llanelwy Community Church
January 2023
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