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A-Z of Wellbeing by Ruth Rice 

Attempts to describe wellbeing through short, readable chunks and easily accessible language -  an ideal tool for anyone


a-Z Wellbeing-2A-Z of Wellbeing - Finding your personal toolkit for peace and wholeness 
By Ruth Rice 
Authentic Media 
ISBN: 9781788932370 
Reviewed by Emma Jones 

This is the second book written by Ruth Rice, the director of the national charity Renew Wellbeing, with the vision of setting up safe spaces where ‘it is okay not to be okay’.  The charity has now been established for five years, with more than 200 simple cafe style spaces attached to a quiet room where inner habits of wellbeing are shared. 

In the introduction to the A-Z of Wellbeing, Ruth writes, 'This is not a book to define wellbeing….It is not a book to debate wellbeing…This is my attempt to describe wellbeing.’  As the subtitle suggests this helpful book equips the reader to find a personal toolkit for peace and wholeness. This book explores inner habits of wellbeing that will encourage God's shalom to grow and blossom. 

The book is broken down into 26 short chapters following the letters of the alphabet A-Z. Each chapter starts with a theme to focus on e.g. acceptance, breath, compassion. The chapter theme is unpacked using a brief verse of scripture and then using the five ways to wellbeing as framework to work through, connecting, learning, getting active, taking notice and giving. 

This book would be a great devotional tool, for individuals and groups. It could be used on a daily or weekly basis depending on how long the reader wanted to spend chewing over the particular theme. There is plenty of opportunity to reflect with open ended questions and pause points for prayer and contemplation. 

I have personally been through a period of mental health crisis and the approach this book takes as a ‘lexicon of wellbeing’ is useful.  With short readable chunks and easily accessible language this book is an ideal tool for anyone, as we all have a mental health and need to put patterns and practices in place that support that wellbeing. It leaves you asking the question ‘what do I have in my own personal toolkit for my peace and my wholeness?’  

A great inviting read, I would highly recommend it. 

Emma Jones is minister-in-training at Battle Baptist Church and a regular host at Renew 1066 (a Renew Wellbeing cafe style space)


Baptist Times, 12/08/2022
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