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The XYZ of Discipleship by Nick and Marjorie Allan 

Packed with rich content on every page; much insight and inspiration in raising up young adult leaders


XYZ DiscipleshipThe XYZ of Discipleship: Understanding and Reaching Generations Y & Z
By Nick and Marjorie Allan
Malcolm Down
ISBN: 978-1912863433
Reviewed by Mark Hirst  

A key challenge for the church in the West is to reach and raise the next generations – often missing or misunderstood – yet vital to the future of contemporary society and to Christianity. Nick and Marjorie lead The Well in Sheffield, a Baptist church with one of the highest concentrations of young adults in our Union. They draw on draw on their years of fruitful experience to analyse Britain’s present cultural context and explore how to disciple today’s Millennial (Gen Y) generation and their teenage/early adult successors Gen Z. 

With plenty of positive insights into the opportunities these generations possess, the book speaks into how to help build solid foundations of identity and purpose for young adults, and assesses some of the biggest challenges to Christian discipleship in today’s culture. It aims to equip individuals who seek to mentor, parent or lead young adults into discipleship in the everyday and within church, as well as those of Y & Z age who are passionate to understand and disciple your own generation. It concludes with practical guidance and a passionate challenge to established churches who wish to reach these generations.

I loved this book. As someone who is towards the upper end of Gen Y, I greatly appreciated the insights and the inspiration to raise up young adult leaders. It is packed with great and rich content on every page. Nick and Marjorie's heart and passion for the emerging generation comes through and they write from a place of experience but also humility, making space for the voice of others and modelling what they are encouraging others to do. 

It is clear why The Well has provided such a powerful culture for disciples of all ages to flourish and discover who they are called to be in Jesus.

Mark Hirst is minister of Willesborough Baptist Church, Kent

The XYZ of Discipleship by Nick and Marjorie Allan is now available in the Baptists Together online shop

Baptist Times, 11/06/2021
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