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Fearfully and Wonderfully by By Dr Paul Brand and Philip Yancey

An updated combination of two previous classics, recommended exploration of the human body in all its wonderful complexity

Fearfully and WonderfullyFearfully and Wonderfully: The Marvel of Bearing God’s Image
By Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
ISBN: 978 1 473 69329 6
Reviewed by Jeannie Kendall 

As I type this review I am looking at my hands. Just a small part of our body, the extraordinary mix of blood, bones, muscles, nerves and skin together make possible the dexterity required for the many tasks they will undertake today. Like the rest of our bodies, they are indeed ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’

In this book, which is an edited and updated combination of two previous classics (Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image), Dr Brand with his depth of knowledge and compassion combines with the literary gifting of Philip Yancey to take a look at the human body in all its wonderful complexity. It is an extraordinary journey, both in reminding us of the daily miracle of breath and life, and the parallels they draw for the Christian life. They cover topics such as the unity of the body, skin, bones and blood, as well as wider issues such as chronic pain.

This endeavour is interspersed with some incredibly moving stories from Dr Brand’s experiences as an orthopaedic surgeon, in particular with the Leprosy Mission. While medically detailed, it is very accessible to read and gives much food for thought and appreciation of the extraordinary nature of creation and – more particularly – our Creator. Highly recommended.

Jeannie Kendall is a recently retired Baptist minister, a current tutor on the Pastoral Supervision course at Spurgeon’s College, and the author of Finding Our Voice and Held in Your Bottle (to be published Sept 2021)

Baptist Times, 11/06/2021
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