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App: Live from Rest

LiveFromRest CardMeditation: rooted in the way of Jesus.
In a world obsessed with doing, we are discovering the ancient art of being

Life for too many is a struggle. So often we adopt a lifestyle that is frantic and busy and we then long for the next day off, for the next vacation or to simply get beyond the next deadline. We all too easily find ourselves living simply FOR rest. 

Yet for those who know God, life can and should be lived FROM rest! 

This app is designed to help you find and maintain a place of peace. It is from this place that we actually become so much more productive. When we learn to 'let go and let God' life actually becomes so much more joyful and fruitful.

Click here for more information - or download the App from Google Play or the App Store.

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    Posted: 16/09/2020
    Posted: 15/09/2020
    Posted: 15/09/2020
    Posted: 15/09/2020
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