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A Day to Stop, Look and Listen 

Stop, look and listen.  This is a timely and profound online Quiet Day led by regional ministers Beth Powney and Geoff Colmer.  Beth and Geoff led us through five reflective sessions. The first four each began with ten to fifteen minutes of guided thoughts and prayers, followed by 45 minutes to rest in God’s presence and listen to him in different ways. The final session asked us to look back over the day and to capture some of what we had heard, learnt or gained. Though on the recording, the times all relate to the live broadcast which began at 10am on the day, you can watch this quiet day anytime you want. You can listen to each guided input and then take as little or as long as you wish for the suggested personal reflection.          

You will find it helpful to have a Bible and a notebook.

For the PRAYER SHEET for section two: Click Here


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