Calling a General Meeting of the Union
In the event members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain wish to call a General Meeting,
this pro forma should be used by members to indicate their intention.
It will be necessary for sufficient notices to be received within 5 days of the receipt of the first notice. In order to be counted towards a wider request for a General Meeting a notice will need to:
be received within 5 working days of receipt of the first notice and
indicate the same intention as the other notice(s) received.
These should be signed, scanned and sent by email to gensec@baptist.org.uk or posted to: The Trustees, c/o The Baptist Union of Great Britain, PO Box 44, Didcot, OX11 8RT
Members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain are Colleges, Associations, Churches or Individuals currently in membership of the Union.
Calling for a General Meeting of the Baptist Union of Great Britain is significant in the life of the Member organisation. Emphasis is placed on discerning the mind of Christ, therefore Corporate Members will wish to consult, prayerfully discern and decide on who in their organisation has the authority to participate in the call for a General Meeting of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Resolutions included in the said meeting. For churches this is achieved through the Church Meeting. Provision of evidence to demonstrate authority should be provided with the form.
Similarly delegates to a subsequent General Meeting must be able to demonstrate the authority given to them.