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Programme Overview

Please see below for an idea of what to expect at Assembly 2024.  A printed programme will be available at Assembly, but you can download a copy here.

There will be a Tots, Children and Youth Programme available, which needs to be booked with Adult tickets in advance. 
Friday 17 May
Time Details
12:00 Registration Opens
14:00 - 17:00 Friday afternoon Streams ‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship’
  • Road to Reconciliation loosening bonds of collective memory (a Mission Catalyst production) from BMS World Mission
  • Art and Evangelism with Chris Duffett
  • Everyone, Everywhere – explore mission and evangelism with Sandra Crawford and Alex Harris. They will be supported by Regional Associations, Colleges and other Baptist groups and organisations.
  • Young Adults and Whole-life Discipleship with Isabella Senior and guests Matt Jolley and Ken Benjamin from LICC
  • Designated Person for Safeguarding workshop - with the national Safeguarding Team
Click to find out more about these Streams
19:00 - 20:45 Evening Celebration - 'Holy Spirit Come'
21:00 Prayer ministry from our regional Associations

Saturday 18 May
Time Details
08:30 Doors open
08:30-19:00 Networking Zone and Catering Facility open
  Saturday morning sessions - 'Wonders and signs'
08:30-10:00 Baptists Together 'takeover' of the Telford parkrun. Please look at this page for detailed information (Please note that information  on the printed programme is incorrect)
09:30-10:30 Choice of three Bible Studies based on Acts 2 : 1-4 'Wonders and Signs' – with Jane Day, Wale Hudson-Roberts and Helen Paynter
11:00-12:30 The Big Welcome and Bible Study based on Acts 2: 5-15 - with Beth Allison-Glenny, Susan Myatt, Femi Onanuga and Ken Benjamin. 
14.00-15.00 Seminars: 'Equipping'
A variety of Seminars will allow us to take a deeper look into our main theme for this year's Assembly.
  • The General Election: LOVE, PRAY, VOTE! - JPIT with Steve Tinning and Nathan McGuire
  • All age Bible Study on the mystery of Pentecost - CYF Family Bible Study with Vicky Baker and Clare Hooper
  • On the day of Pentecost, all those who gathered asked ‘What does this mean’? - Project Violet with Jane Day
  • Vital Signs of a whole-life disciple-making church - with Ken Benjamin from LICC
  • ‘They were all together in one place’: stories of bringing people together in chaplaincy - with Sarah Crane
  • Reimagine Prophetic Ministry in your church – Fresh Streams with Sue and Andy Glover                                
  • ‘They were all together in one place’: A theology of reparations through the lens of Pentecost - with Wale Hudson-Roberts                                                   
  • Baptist Building bicentenary celebration       
Click here for more information about the seminar choices.
15.15-16.15 BUGB Meeting of the Assembly - With the induction of Steve Finamore as our new President and the Meeting of Assembly, in which the topics required under our constitution will be presented, including the affirmation of the appointment of the Treasurer and the Moderator of the Trustee Board.   Click here for notice of resolutions.
16.30-17.30 Reflecting with BMS World Mission
19.00-21.00 Evening Celebration - Amazed and Astonished’
An evening of worship, preaching, celebration, commissioning and In Memoriam – with a keynote address by our General Secretary, Lynn Green   
21.00-22.15 After Hours - Social space in the Atcham Suite to network and renew friendships. Bar facilities available to purchase drinks.
Sunday 19 May
Time Details
08.45 Doors open
09:00-10:30 Networking Zone and Catering Facilities open
09:00-09:45 Prayer ministry
10.00-12.00 Sunday Worship - ‘All Together in One Place’
We will join together for our all-together morning service with worship, prayer, communion and message from Carl Smethurst, before being sent out.

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