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Are you hoping to reach out to the 18-35s around you? If so, this page is for you! We hope the articles and recommendations below are helpful.

18-35s webpage cover18-35s Ministry Handout 
Baptist handout with reflection questions, resources and case studies for ministry among 18-35s. Your go-to document for how to engage with this age range. 

exploringExploring next steps? 
Baptist online resource for 18-35s exploring what to do next whether they're considering taking time out, feeling called to an specific area of church or wondering about how to follow Jesus at university. 

LICC cover resourceThe Frontline Lives of 18-35s in the UK - LICC
If we'd like to help 18-35s keep going with their faith, we need to address the questions they're asking. This report is a summary of LICC's findings.

Fusion resourceThe Opportunity of A Lifetime - Fusion Movement
76% of students who aren't Christians say that they would go to church if a friend invited them. 45% of non-Christians would like to hear the story of Jesus. We are living in the missional opportunity of a lifetime! 
Fusion resource 2Will you come to church with me? - Fusion Movement
Fusion's further research exploring the attitudes and behaviours of Christian undergrads regarding invitation, being known as Christian, and living missionally. See 6 Top Tips for Churches as well.

7 conversations poster7 conversations your church needs to have to reach young adults - Evangelical Alliance
An excellent resource by our friends from Evangelical Alliance. A tool for leaders to help churches engage and reach 20s and 30s.

Youtube pechakuchaPechaKucha: Young Adults/Emerging Leaders - YouTube
"What is the conversation you would like the Baptist family to have together over the coming year?" Isabella Senior and Claude Halm look at this question at Baptist Assembly 2022. 

'We need their energy, vision, passion and wisdom'  
Baptist Union President Yinka Oyekan explains why a focus on young adults is a key element of his Presidential year More ...
Baptist Times
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Baptists Together and Young Adults  
How are we working strategically to release young adults into missional ministry within the Baptist family? Carl Smethurst, author of last year’s Baptists Together Young Adults report, shares progress so far More ...
Baptist Times
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Baptists Together magazine - Summer 2020
On the theme Reaching and Raising Young Adults More ...
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Being a young Christian post-Christendom: not just a numbers game 
This article is the first in a series sharing perspectives from young Christians about being young Christians. The census results may have been a shock to many experienced Christians, but they were not a surprise to our young people, writes Amanda Higgin More ...
Baptist Times
Bridging the generation gap   
Experiences and expectations differ markedly across the generations in our churches. Baptist minister Trevor Neill highlights some of these differences. More ...
Baptist Times
Creating a culture for young adults to thrive
Our emerging generations have many new dreams to birth, and an ability to think outside the box and take risks. The vital question for the Church of today is, how much are we taking a risk on them? By Nick and Marjorie Allan More ...
Baptist Times
Nathan McGuire  CARD
Safe to grow... are Baptist churches excluding young adults? 
This article is the second in a series sharing perspectives from young Christians about being young Christians. Nathan McGuire writes of the need for investment in, not indifference to, our young adults - and proposes some ideas More ...
Baptist Times
The millennial way no title
The millennial way
For those in their 20s and 30s, culture beats programmes every time, writes Simon Barrington. Here’s what churches need to know, and how they can respond More ...
Baptist Times
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The Missing Generation that’s right in front of us  
Baptist minister and millennial Adrian Semerene offers this reflection on what his generation values, and the possibility of connection More ...
Baptist Times
The virtual church: are online games the new ground for mission to a ‘lost’ generation?
The call on the Church to go out to all corners of the world (including the online) and to fulfil the Great Commission has a higher place than ever for a generation that is quickly walking away from faith, writes Alice Cheeseman More ...
Baptist Times
Young adults223
Young adults and Baptists Together
A series of recommendations to engage and release young adults in mission and leadership have been made More ...
Baptist Times
If you would like any further information, please contact Isabella Senior, our Young Leaders Development Coordinator for further resources and ideas.
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