Suggestions for fundraising:
Social events where tickets are sold or an entrance fee charged. Examples: line dancing, firework display, quiz night, treasure hunt, karaoke evening, board games night, concert, art exhibition, barn dance, pantomime.
Events involving food – money can be raised by charging for the food. Examples: big brunch, barbecue, pancake evening, teddy bears picnic, cake sales, candlelight supper, cheese and wine evening, cream-tea, curry night.
Sponsored events – Examples: marathon, bible reading, hymn singing, aerobics, bike-ride, losing weight, silence, abseiling, walk and toddle
Buying and selling – Examples: auction (items and/or promises), bring and buy sale, ‘home-made’ sale, car boot sale, second-hand bookstall, nearly-new clothes
Competitions – entrants pay a fee and a small prize is awarded. Examples: fancy-dress, cake-baking, races, flower-arranging or how about ‘worst-tie’?
Other ideas – face-painting, Easter-egg hunt, arts and crafts afternoon (have a go at something new), car-washing, fancy-dress football, open-gardens, mile of coins
If you have other ideas to share with others that we can include here, please contact us.