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Church Secretaries - practical resources

We hope that the resources listed below will be helpful to you as you serve your church family as Church Secretary.

Key Resources for Church Secretaries
SecretariesPack 800 Church Secretaries Welcome Pack
This leaflet explains the role of a Church Secretary and the support that Baptists Together can provide - click here to download the Welcome Pack.
ChurchHealthCheck 800 Church Healthcheck
This is a web-based self-assessment tool for churches to review their operating practices to ensure they are meeting their obligations and have the key things in place to enable them to be successful in local mission.  Answering some simple yes/no questions will guide you to the advice and guidance you need to get on the right track. Click here to access this new resource.
SupportServices AnnualReturns Church Update and Annual Returns
Church Update enables you to make changes to the information we hold regarding your church throughout the year and complete the Annual Returns process at the appropriate time. As church secretary you will be provided with a unique login so that you can access the Church Update system and maintain the records for your church. Click here if you have any questions about accessing the Church Update.
CrisisMedia Crisis media support
From time to time things go wrong in the local church - there could be a difficult issue, or a local disaster or a tragedy might occur.  At times like this the local church can feel very vulnerable as they try to cope with crisis media attention and potential negative publicity.  We are here to help you navigate through these difficult times
OnlineDirectory PartnerOrganis Online directory
Our online directory contains links to the information which was previously available in our printed Directories, including names of all the churches in our Union and a list of our accredited ministers.
OnlineShop Online shop
Our online shop has a selection of books, many of them written by Baptists. We also stock a range of acknowledgement cards for baptisms, infant dedications, marriage and membership along with greetings cards for baptisms and infant dedications. You can also order additional copies of the Baptists Together magazine to share with other people in your church.
ResourceLibrary R&G Resource Library
Our extensive Resource Library is the place to go to download a variety of documents and to view recordings of our webinars and other videos. Included within the Resource Library is our range of Guideline Leaflets prepared  by our Legal and Operations Team on charity, legal, property and trusts issues - click here for the Index for all Legal and Operations Team Guideline leaflets Do explore the other sections within the Resource Library for resources on a wide range of topics.
SupportServices Transform Transform
Transform is distributed to Church Secretaries, treasurers and ministers with their copy of Baptists Together magazine in January, May and September each year.  Each edition of has information for all church leaders to keep, including important information for Church Treasurers on financial and legal topics. You can also find the archive of previous editions in our Resource Library.

Other Useful Resources
F&S Resourcing Prayer Prayer and worship resources
We have a number of resources available in our Prayer and Worship section to guide reflection within a local congregation, and contribute to the enrichment of our continuing life of prayer and worship.  We also publish a monthly prayer diary and a range of other prayer ideas which can be freely downloaded.
SafeguardingSafePractice Safeguarding
Across Baptists Together, we are committed in our churches, associations, colleges and specialist teams to support excellence in safeguarding.  We have worked hard to put in place policies, procedures, training and support to help all those who work with children, young people and adults at risk.  The Safeguarding area of the website has all the information you'll need, including the name of your local Safeguarding contact who will be able to support your church. You will also find helpful documents available to download from the Safeguarding area of our Resource Library.
BaptistApp 800 Website and App
As well as this website, did you know that we also have a Baptist App which you can add to your smartphone? Just go to www.baptist.org.uk/hubb from your phone and download it free of charge. This gives you easy access to some of the most topical areas of our website.

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