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Resources to help you discern and have conversations with your church

We hear from both churches and ministers that they are looking for support in holding conversations around human sexuality. Many are apprehensive about opening up any discussion regarding the place in church for those who are LGBT+. Sometimes this apprehension in churches stems from a fear of stoking division. Sometimes, among ministers, it stems from a misplaced belief that they are in some way prohibited from talking about LGBT+ matters.

As a Union we collectively discerned our response to Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act in 2013 at Baptist Union Council. This was discerned through a time of intense prayer, listening and discussion and many Baptists contributed to that process through our ‘talkingtogether’ email address.  Find out more about this process, statements issued and the reports on Council discussions in our Listening to national discernment section.

As Baptists we prioritise the freedom of the local church to discern the mind of Christ on all matters pertaining to faith and practice. Listed below are some resources, many of which include biblical references,  which have been produced by different groups enabling local churches to listen to one another - and in so doing offer good pastoral care for people who may strongly disagree with one another. If you think there are others that should be included please contact us.

Resources from Stephen Elmes

Stephen Elmes, Lead Minister of Bookham Baptist Church, has been helping churches in the South East of England to open a conversation about same-sex attraction and relationships, and has developed these resources:
Healing Conversation and the Gift of Acceptance
HealingConversationThis paper, written in Autumn 2022, explores how different perspectives among Christians concerning same-sex relationships might meet in wise and fruitful conversation. The document also includes a link to a filmed talk by Stephen, based on this paper.

Click here to download the document, which can be shared electronically, provided it is not altered or printed out.

Sexuality, Faith, and the Art of Conversation and A Beautiful Endeavour

These books and the video clips below open up the stories around how people’s lived experiences shape their theological positions. He has kindly made available:

Sexuality, Faith, and the Art of Conversation: Part One

Publisher: Creative Tension Publications (2017)

A follow-up book (parts two, three and four) was published in 2019.
A Beautiful Endeavour

This book is intended as a resource for church leaders and churches to help them envisage and consider a way forward when tackling issues that might easily divide. It is all about having the best conversation possible, hearing all voices and working out how we might hold differences creatively and missionally.

Publisher: Creative Tension Publications (2019)
Steve has given permission for us to make available a pdf of this book to enable churches to engage in good conversations.  It may be shared electronically provided this is not for commercial gain but no printed copies should be made. If you would like a printed copy, please buy the book.

Steve has also created a series of short films (30 mins in total) shot at Bookham Baptist Church which tell the story in A Beautiful Endeavour in seven scenes with some help from some church members and a musician friend.  Watch the first video below, and click on the links beneath it for the other 'scenes'.


Creating Sanctuary

CreatingSanctuaryWebinarCreating Sanctuary is a new resource that provides a framework in which we can explore our Biblical and pastoral learning about inclusion, through safer and respectful dialogue with each other. It asks all participants to think about how we could make our faith communities/churches a safer place for LGBT+ people.

For more information visit: creatingsanctuary.org.uk

The Courage to be Baptist

A call to Baptist churches to face our present disagreements over same-sex marriage by being faithful to a Baptist way of being church.  A statement made in December 2016.

Living Out

A website of resources supporting people who are coming out and celibate

Videos exploring an affirming position

Jonathon Tallon offers videos exploring an affirming position on Scripture and human sexuality

Association for Christians in Counselling

ACC has published this memorandum on conversion therapy

Written resources:

  • Athaus-Reid, M & Isherwood, L (2008)  Controversies in Body Theology London: SCM
  • Beasley, C (2005) Gender and Sexuality: Critical theories, critical thinkers.  London: Sage Publications.
  • Brownson, JV (2013) Bible, Gender, Sexuality, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
  • Cornwell, Susannah (2013) SCM Core Text: Theology and Sexuality London:SCM
  • Cornwall, S (2011) Controversies in queer theology. London: SCM Press.
  • Edman, EM (2017) Queer virtue: what LGBTQ people know about life and love and how it can revitalize Christianity. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Farley, M (2006)  Just Love: A framework for Christian Sexual Ethics  New York: Continuum 
  • Gagnon, R A J (2001) The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics, Nashville; TN, Abingdon Press.
  • Johnson, JE (2014) Peculiar faith: queer theology for Christian witness. New York: Seabury Books.
  • Keen, K R (2018) Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
  • Landau, C (2021) A Theology of Disagreement: New Testament Ethics for Ecclesial Conflicts.  SCM Press
  • Loughlin, G (ed) (2007) Queer theology: rethinking the western body. Oxford: Blackwell
  • Mann, R (2012) Dazzling darkness: gender, sexuality, illness and God. Glasgow: Wild Goose Publications.
  • Page, S and Shipley, H (2020) Religion and Sexualities: Theories, themes, and methodologies. London: Routledge.
  • Sprinkle, et al, (eds) (2016) Two views on Homosexuality, the bible and the Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
  • Song, R (2014) Covenant and Calling, London: SCM Press.
  • Stuart, E (2003) Gay and Lesbian Theologies: Repetitions and Critical Difference.  Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate
  • Vasey, M (1995) Strangers and friends, London: Hodder and Staughton
  • Vines, M ((2015) God and the Gay Christian, New York: Convergent Books.
  • Webb, W J (2001) Slaves, Women and Homosexuals, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.


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The Courage to be Baptist
A call to Baptist churches to face our present disagreements over same-sex marriage by being faithful to a Baptist way of being church
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