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George Floyd - "...I can't breathe"

The inhumane and merciless brutality demonstrated towards George Floyd at the end of May 2020 was an appalling act of injustice.  Baptists Together hold a common value; that we are a Movement which shares a hunger for God’s coming Kingdom and seeks to confront evil, injustice and hypocrisy and challenges worldly attitudes to power, wealth, status and security both within and beyond our Union.
I can't breathe800 Doing Justice: A National Service of Reflection on the Anniversary of the murder of George Floyd 
Tuesday 25 May 2021: Church leaders from Britain and Ireland will call for justice at this national online service, starting at 19:00.

We share our responses,  and prayers below:
About GeneralSecretary Response from our General Secretary
Our General Secretary, Lynn Green, released this statement in response to the situation in the United States
I can't breathe card ‘I can’t breathe …’
Justice Enabler Wale Hudson-Roberts reflects on the death of George Floyd - and how Baptists might respond
what can I do card George Floyd: what can I do?
Public Issues Enabler Steve Tinning recalls the actions of a minister in 1960s Selma as he reflects on how he, as a white man, can respond to the death of George Floyd and to racial injustice
Yinka Card 'We are all George Floyd, black people can't breathe!'
Our President Yinka Oyekan posted this reflection on George Floyd and racism on his Facebook page
About OurStructure The death of George Floyd
Statement from Baptists Together Core Leadership Team
F&S Resourcing JusticeRacialJu Members of one Another: Fleeting Illusion or Faithful Pursuit
The Sam Sharpe lecture 2017 delivered by the Revd Karl Johnson (General Secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union)
JusticeYO Card "You've got to do something about the injustice"
Justice issues have been an unexpected part of the year of our current Baptist Union President, Yinka Oyekan - this article was written for the Spring 2021 Baptists Together magazine.
Governance Black Lives Matter
A small group of British Baptists tried to put something down to reflect where we are in response to what is happening in the USA
About Colleges Spurgeons Death of Mr George Floyd
A statement by Spurgeon’s College
F&S Resourcing Prayer Lamentation words for an 'Injustice Sunday'
Prayers from members of our Racial Justice Hub
F&S Resourcing Prayer Responding with prayers of lament
Two prayers in response to injustice
ICantBreathe I can't breathe until you can
Some UK Baptist ministers share a message with sisters and brothers in the USA and around the world, facing the daily reality of the evil that is racism.
SeventyTwo God of Justice
Peter Morden looks at what it means to be a people of justice, especially in light of the recent murder of George Floyd. How should we respond?
RJReadingList Racial Justice reading list
A selection of books related to Racial Justice from a theological perspective for those wanting to explore these issues further.


Click here if you have questions or would like to contact our Racial Justice Hub.
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“You’ve got to do something about the injustice”
A video interview with our current Baptist Union president Yinka Oyekan
“You’ve got to do something about the injustice”
Justice issues have been an unexpected part of the year of our current Baptist Union president Yinka Oyekan
Racial Justice reading list
Helpful reading material for ministers and others wanting to explore the issue of racial justice
George Floyd: our response
Response from our General Secretary to the situation in the USA
Lamentation words for Injustice Sunday
Prayers written by Pamela Searle and Mary Taylor - members of our Racial Justice Hub
The death of George Floyd
Statement from Baptists Together Core Leadership Team
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