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Local Contacts for your Association

To contact someone in your association for guidance on safeguarding issues, please use the links below to send a message to the relevant person in your association:

Central Baptist Association - Gillian Jones

Eastern Baptist Association - Gillian Jones

East Midlands Baptist Association - Kenny Henry

Heart of England Baptist Association - Keith Baldwin

London Baptist Association - Rachel Swaby

Northern Baptist Association - Dan Holland

North Western Baptist Association - Tim Presswood

South East Baptist Association - Jo Hayes

Southern Counties Baptist Association - Mel Pike

South Wales Baptist Association - Kath Needham

South West Baptist Association - Kath Needham

West of England Baptist Association - Kath Needham

Yorkshire Baptist Association - Debbie Gamble

If no-one is available at your Association office, please contact the Thirtyone:eight (formerly CCPAS) on their free helpline number, 0303 003 1111, for confidential advice.
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