Partners in Pioneering
In 2012 Lynn Green, the General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, said: “I believe that we need an explosion of new pioneers and I am praying that God will raise them up.”
Baptists Together are actively involved in seeking to make this vision a reality through the appointment of Pioneer Co-ordinators across the UK.
A variety of agencies are also working in partnership to support pioneering within Baptists Together.
Urban Expression
Urban Expression is a mission agency that recruits, equips, deploys and networks self- financing teams pioneering creative and relevant expressions of the Christian church in under-churched areas of the inner city. It is committed to incarnational ministry on the margins and amongst the poor, and encourages teams to move into urban neighbourhoods to work with others to pioneer exciting, grass-roots, transformative way of being church which seek God’s kingdom of justice and peace.
Incarnate Network
Incarnate is a grass-roots church planting, pioneer and fresh expressions network for the UK and mainland Europe, led by Baptist practitioners and acting as the Baptist Union of Great Britain’s church planting network. Its regular gatherings provide great opportunity for pioneers to engage in friendly conversation, learn from insightful main sessions and collaborative workshops, and to share experiences and stories of mission.
Click here to find more information about the Incarnate Network
The Light College and Collective (formerly The Light Project)
Our vision is to train, equip and connect pioneers and evangelists to go and make countless followers of Jesus. We offer FDA and BA courses in Theology, Mission and Evangelism (accredited by The University of Chester), with an accredited pathway for Baptist ministerial training in partnership with Northern Baptist College.
If you'd like to know more, please email us at office@lightproject.org.uk.
Urban Life
Urban Life aims to facilitate a broad range of training and research opportunities relating to mission in urban contexts. Through its core partners Bristol Baptist College and Trinity College Bristol, it is participating in the design and delivery of graduate and postgraduate courses in missiology and mission practice. It also facilitates ‘Learning Journeys’ as a practical way of supporting groups in their own contexts to learn from their own experience.