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The online newspaper of the Baptist Union of Great Britain
Paws Together for God - helping children access prayer
Helping children to understand the comforting nature of prayer is the subject of Hilary Robinson's latest picture book - Paws Together for God
The Revd Pat Heap: 1938-2024
​'How anyone could be involved in so many activities was related to a deeply held faith, the Lord’s calling and a generous distribution of gifts for each task she was called to. And to her love and concern for people, which shone through her life’s work'
Every church starting a church: a possible dream?
Could every Baptist church start a new Christian community? That's the question at the heart of Alex Harris’ doctorate research, which argues that planting new churches isn’t just for large congregations—but an invitation and expectation for every church
The Revd Dr Rex Mason: 1926-2025
'One of a small group of remarkable pastor-scholars in the modern church, who served the Baptist community with grace and commitment'
Faith Bowers: 1939-2025
​'It is hard to determine the depths of the multi-faceted service Faith has rendered to British Baptists... as we mourn her passing and we give thanks for such a rich and generous life'
BUGB Website and National Emails Coordinator Role
The Baptist Union of Great Britain is looking for a Website and National Emails Coordinator Role
'A tool for growth, creativity, and renewal'
A new video based resource designed to help churches reflect on their mission and ministry through the lens of other churches has launched
'A vibrant exploration of cultural diversity, unity, and hope'
Osoba Otaigbe reports from the 2025 Intercultural Church and City Transformation Gathering
Dr John Biggs: 1933-2024
Former Baptist Union President who was a man of great gifts, willing to set aside ambition and career to faithfully serve the Church of Jesus Christ as a true disciple
'An adventurous spirit, a trailblazing call to China'
Until now little has been told of Jennie Hudson Taylor, the second wife of China Inland Mission (CIM) founder James Hudson Taylor, yet she was a true pioneer. Biographer Marion Osgood explains more
A new and creative path for Christian apologetics?
This year’s Whitley Lecture is entitled Holistic Apologetics: Re-Imagining Apologetics for the 21st Century. Its author Seidel Abel Boanerges explains why
'A glimpse into the engine room of church planting in the UK'
Asher Wiggers, a young leader at The Well, Sheffield, shares themes from the latest networking and strategy day of the National Church Planting Network
Churches in transition
After his own church overhauled its Sundays, Baptist minister Mike Sherburn set about discovering others that have sensed the call to change. He spoke to several which have made the transition from a traditional model to something different
Fresh Streams Conference 2025: a first-timer’s reflection
It gave me a fresh perspective and energy for the work ahead - and I have already started implementing most of what I learnt, writes Abraham Nafah
Whose Promised Land?
Colin Chapman writes about the background to a revised edition of his book Whose Promised Land? The Continuing Conflict over Israel and Palestine
The apocalyptic Donald Trump
The new US president has an apocalyptic style which offers false hope. He presents a danger but also reveals that true Christian politics values the weak over the strong, writes John Heathershaw
Southport: a reflection and a prayer
North Western Baptist Association Regional minister team leader Phil Jump offers these words in the wake of the sentencing of Axel Rudakubana at Liverpool Crown Court
The Revd Roy Plant: 1930-2024
Former electrical engineer who became a Baptist minister and was widely involved in the life of the Baptist Union, East Midlands Baptist Association and Derbyshire Baptists for many years
Impeached to empowered – the second coming of Donald Trump
What Christians should watch for this time around, by Baptist minister Chris Goswami. Chris blogged about the the first Trump presidential win in 2016
Donald Trump, Four Beasts, and the Son of Man
Whether you're greeting the emergence of a new world leader with great fear or great hope, the book of Daniel helps us to remember that all human leadership is provisional, partial, and impermanent, writes Helen Paynter
‘Our aim is to help participants learn peace-making skills’
The Blackley Centre is once again hosting its Paths of Peace Training Course, which equips participants with the skills to transform conflicts in a church setting and beyond. Baptist minister and mediation trainer Joanna Williams explains more
Ten years stitching inspired by the Bible
A huge textile exhibition began a three year tour of UK cathedrals on 16 January Creator and Baptist church member Jacqui Parkinson explains how she wanted to produce artwork everyone can enjoy - and bring them closer to experiencing God’s love
'Our nation's children need the church'
Families are suffering as never before. Ian Soars, CEO of the charity Spurgeons, says churches have a role in reversing the decline in children and young people’s wellbeing - and explains how
Jigsaw, The Missing Piece – an 80-year autobiography
After navigating two long pastorates, nomadic travels and 61 years of marriage, Baptist minister Terry Jones has a lifetime of recollections to share
Living with limitations
A new blog series from the Northumbrian Collective seeks to grapple honestly and thoughtfully with a question we might prefer not to think about, led by people who experience disability in their day-to-day life. Craig Millward introduces it
The long-lasting echo of Richard Hays (1948-2025)
His name might be unfamiliar to you, but Hays wrote three books that set new directions for New Testament studies in the late 20th century and into the 21st century, writes Andy Goodliff
Visions of Justice and Hope
A new resource from the Evangelical Alliance offers a guided journey into racial justice and practical steps for fostering healing and meaningful dialogue. One People Commission director and Baptist minister Israel Olofinjana introduces it
'A call to embrace transformation'
Kate Coleman introduces her new book Metamorph: Transforming Your Life and Leadership - Inspired Wisdom from the Extraordinary, Ordinary People of the Bible
Jimmy Carter - a Baptist Christian 'to whom faith and practice mattered deeply'
David Coffey shares a tribute to the 39th President of the United States, who died on 29 December aged 100
What can Christians learn from 2024?
Chris Goswami highlights six defining news stories from 2024 that deserve a second look
December 2024
The inspiring faith of Harriet Tubman; John and Sue Wilson
Hark! How all the welkin rings
A reflection on our rich, muddled history of carol singing, by Andrew Gant
Review of the year 2024
Highlighting the 30 most clicked pieces in The Baptist Times over the last 12 months
Advent peace
A reflection on the peace offered by Christ - and how we may cultivate it in our hearts amid the busyness of the season. By Simon Mattholie
Books of the Year 2024
What book has stood out for you this year? As in 2023, Baptist minister and Regent's Park College lecturer Andy Goodliff presents his own selection - and has invited friends to do the same
'More than confessions... useful lessons'
Jon Magee has been a Baptist minister for 41 years. His new book Confessions of a Baptist Minister reflects lessons learned in those years - and the call of God that underpins them
'A plan made from all the pent-up views of everyone I talk to'
Baptist church member David Nelson had hoped to travel to Israel, but with few flights available, he embarked on an alternative - cycling from Yorkshire to Downing Street to deliver a message to the Prime Minister about Israel/Palestine
Should we have new blasphemy laws?
The suggestion was recently raised in Parliament. Adrian Gray explains why Baptists should express their clear opposition to any proposal to re-introduce blasphemy onto the statute book
The Future of Arms: blockbuster films or the new reality of war?
New technologies are changing the way war is fought. A new project from the Joint Public Issues Team aims to equip our churches to engage in discussion and advocacy about the ethics they raise as we seek to fulfill the Christian vocation to be peacemakers
How can you make your church open to ALL this Christmas?
Rani Joshi shares five thoughtful ways you can make South Asians – and others from diverse cultural backgrounds – feel welcome this December
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