Job Opportunities
Here you will find both national and local job vacancies as well as voluntary roles within Baptist life and beyond.
Click on the links below for information about each vacancy - and please forward the information to someone you think may be suitable for a particular role.
Please make sure that you have read our guide to safer recruitment to make sure that your advert and role pack comply with the latest law around employing staff. The link is here: The Baptist Union of Great Britain : BUGB Guide to Safer Recruitment.
This is particularly important if the role requires the postholder to be a practising Christian and/or if the role requires a DBS check or enhanced DBS check before the person can start employment with you. Both these things need to be clearly stated in both advert and information pack.
Current Vacancies
Trustee Roles
Please see the list below of any current voluntary Trustee roles.
Advertising a Vacancy
Please click here for
information on how to place a job opportunity on our website.
Please note that we do not advertise main ministerial roles within any church or any other position that would normally be publicised through the Baptist Together Settlement Process.
The current Pastoral Vacancies List is available for Accredited Ministers and MITs to view on the Baptists Together website. Individual log-ins have been provided. If you are an Accredited Minister or MIT and haven’t received a log in to the Pastoral Vacancies List, please
contact the Ministries Team.
job, vacancy, jobs, vacancies