Faith and Society Update - March 2025
Dear Friends
We live in challenging times, and yet… And yet together through Christ, we hold the most precious gift to the world – HOPE.
As we are busy preparing for Assembly and the mission conference we are holding in conjunction with BMS World Mission, we are reminded of Jesus’ Gospel words expressing his intentions to establish his rule. In this Jesus sets the mandate for the Church - as Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us, ‘all things are under the Lordship of Christ’.
Partaking in Christ we stand at the same time in the reality of God and in the reality of the world. The whole reality of the world has already been drawn into, and is held together in, Christ. History moves only from this centre and toward this centre. Christianity offers up a story which is of the entire world, not a small section of it. In this story God advocates from the beginning, through the Trinity, for his world. Or as Moltmann says: ‘The divine Trinity is so inviting and so strong that the divine reflects itself in true human community and takes human community up into itself, ‘that they also may be in us.’ (John 17:21).’
Do join us for the Baptist Assembly on 16-17 May where we will gather as a Baptist community to learn more about Christ and our part in his world. And in these challenging times, may you continue to be beacons (or bearers) of Christ’s hope in the places and among the people you find yourselves.
Diane, Hilary, Jane, Londy, Mary, Mat, Mike, Paul, Sharon, Steve and Wale
Faith and Society Team
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