Support Services Update - November 2024
Dear Friends
Thank you for taking the time to read our latest Monthly Update.
I associate November with the clocks going back, nights getting longer, days getting colder, flowers falling off their stems, and leaves falling off the trees. To me, autumn can, at times, feel like a bit of a cold dark slog. It is not my favourite month. I don’t like the absence of the sun, prefer the garden to be green and blooming, and have always struggled in cold weather. In short, autumn makes me grouchy.
However, I was recently reminded that autumn is a time of resetting (and not just the clocks), and that resets are not only positive, but essential. Autumn is often a time of preparing for what is to come. A time of discarding what is old, to make room for what is new. Perhaps it is therefore unsurprising that the verses below seem to have found a way to place themselves in front of my eyes; particularly as I used to work with farmers.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. Isaiah 40:8
For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. James 5:7
Whether you are wrestling with budgets, preparing for the challenging and joyful rush that comes with December’s Christmas celebrations, or considering some other form of reset, we at BUGB are praying for you. Thank you and God bless you for, and in, all that you do.
Our monthly updates aim to provide you with helpful support in your mission and ministry. Please do email us with any topics you would appreciate articles on. This month's update includes articles on:
A reminder about the Annual Returns process
A link to our website for information about the 'End of Life Bill'
Help regarding church ministers' tax returns
Advice from Baptist Insurance re: Flood safety and other matters
A reminder about Baptist Assembly dates for the next three years
Information re: help for those with Listed Buildings and a useful book to help with sustainability
News from Utility Aid
Reminder about CMCS
May you know God’s blessing at this time.
Chris Jones
Support Services Team Leader
Click here to view the full November Support Services Update
The Support Services Update is sent on the second Wednesday of every month to all ministers in Baptist Union of GB churches, church secretaries, church treasurers, regional teams and other subscribers. If you would like to receive it by email, please subscribe via the 'Sign up to our newsletter' form below.