Project Violet Lament
Project Violet's request for change 57 is that Council calls the Baptists Together movement to prayer, and in the evening session of Council in October 2024, Lynn Green led a time of lament for all that the research has discovered. She was supported by President Steve Finamore and Faith and Society Team Leader Diane Watts.
This resulted in three resolutions, all of which were overwhelmingly passed:
Baptist Union Council calls all parts of Baptists Together into a period of lament from this Council until Assembly 2025
Council welcomes the offering of prayers, liturgy, poetry, song and art and other creative approaches to help us express our lament in this period
At Assembly 2025 we will hear feedback and reflect on what we have learned
Below you will find links to resources to use individually, in small groups and within a church service to reflect on the outcomes of Project Violet and join together in this period of lament.