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Mental Health and Safeguarding


Video on one church’s experience

In this film Josh Kane, Baptist Minister at Mill Hill East Baptist Church and Regional Minister for London Baptists, talks about mental health and what his church has put in place to support the whole community with being mentally healthy. 

Josh describes how his church has a high number of vulnerable adults. In the context of safeguarding, churches have an additional responsibility to people in their community who are vulnerable. The legislation (Care Act 2014) now uses the terminology of ‘adults at risk’ and, whilst not everyone who is vulnerable because of their mental health needs will meet the legal definition of an adult at risk, churches have a duty to care for the welfare and wellbeing of adults with care and support needs and to do their best to safeguard them from abuse or neglect.

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Mental Health and Safeguarding
Video on one church’s experience
Points to consider when recruiting.
Points to consider when opening up your church building as a Warm Space this winter
Safeguarding guidance for church leaders and the Designated Person for Safeguarding
Points to consider when you are thinking about how you engage with young people in your church.
A self-assessment tool for Baptist churches to check compliance with safeguarding legislation, guidance and best practice