Church, but not as you know it!
A new expression of church - Church @ St Anne's
Home Mission support is enabling this new Local Ecumenical Partnership in Weston-super-Mare to develop
Using a simple structure of 'Gather', 'Learn' and 'Share'

Having entered a new decade, we continue to be grateful for your prayer and financial support for our churches who receive a Home Mission grant. That includes those who have existed for many years and those in their infancy.

One of the new expressions of church that your giving makes possible is the Church @ St Anne’s, West Wick, Weston-super-Mare. This is held in local Church of England Primary School called St Anne’s which is at the centre of a new but established estate, populated by young families. There are presently 22 Adults and 12 children, who gather as part of this developing church plant. This is overseen by Locking Castle Church, and in October 2018 they began regular worship called Church @ 5pm. In January 2019 a declaration of Intent was signed by WEBA Regional Minster Gary Woodall and Bishop Peter for this church to be recognised as a Local ecumenical partnership (LEP). They are now in their first year as a recognised church – and so this month is their birthday.

They have a simple structure – they ‘Gather’ and eat together; everyone brings some simple food to share which helps them get to know one another and it also provides a great icebreaker for new people to join in. Secondly, they ‘Learn’ through a time of worship and prayer all together using videos or a live band. Then the adults go out for a bible study and the children/youth stay in the main room for their own learning. They are currently working through the New Testament and Psalms this year together. Then they ‘Share’ by living out and sharing what they have learned throughout the week.

They have recently renewed their covenant together for the year, which basically can be summed up that they are ‘all in this together’. This is further seen in and encouraged in their WhatsApp group, through which they encourage and pray for each other throughout the week.
Please include Church @ St Anne’s in your prayers this month and beyond.
Alisdair Longwill, Regional Minister
2 March 2020
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