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Feature articles published in 2021

Imagining a new normal: analogue and digital  
How do we integrate old and new into a better future? In this long read, Bruce Murray highlights some of the areas churches may wish to consider
Slow Down, Show Up and Pray
Interview with Baptist pastor Ruth Rice, who has written a timely book on we we can model wellbeing in a period of growing mental health issues
Calling and being called  
A new series on what we can learn from 1 Peter, which is written to scattered, suffering communities. This first piece explores calling
Alert and sober  
The people Peter is writing to are under enormous pressure that boils over regularly into violence against them. Peter’s solution is not to muscle up physically, but develop a mind that copes with the present and hopes for the glory to come
Want to explore Baptist ministry? 
A new document outlines the steps to accredited Baptist ministry - and highlights how the Spirit is increasingly calling different people to different types of ministry
Suffering and glory   
Continuing his series on 1 Peter, Terry Young explores how the letter makes the connections between suffering and glory
An upside down world
Continuing his exploration of 1 Peter, Terry Young explains how Peter subverts traditional notions of strength
Behind the scenes at Fresh Streams
Andy Glover explains how the three-day online event came together
Peter and baptism 
Exploring Peter's understanding of baptism. By Terry Young
The Baptist Union and the nuclear weapons debate  
Steve Tinning highlights our journey towards a call for nuclear disarmament
Blessed to see God’s church responding to his call  
Carol Richardson reports on collecting 100 stories of Baptists involved in missional adventure
Advice from Baptist Insurance: home insurance  
The latest in our series with Baptist Insurance highlights its home insurance cover
The Church and Social Media 
Social media has many benefits - but its downsides have become clearer too. Jonathan Skeet, a former social media addict, believes the church should be more vocal in expressing them
'Original and creative way to engage with the Easter story'
Christian theatre company LAMPS Collective has responded to the restrictions of the pandemic by creating a brand new Easter resource
'Keep shining your light in whatever circumstances you find yourself'
Emma McPhail, assistant minister of Victoria Baptist Church in Eastbourne, recently appeared on ITV’s The Chase - and the response has been 'incredible'. She explains how
'What the Baptist Union got up to in the 1990s'
Andy Goodliff introduces his new book Renewing a Modern Denomination, which explores Baptist thinking at the end of the 20th century
Racial Justice Sunday - 14 February
A selection of resources to help Baptists reflect on and mark Racial Justice Sunday 2021
Bringing freedom, through coffee 
Bryn Frere-Smith explains his journey from bodyguard to protecting those who cannot afford to pay for it – and how the Blue Bear Coffee Company he founded is partnering with a growing number of churches concerned about human trafficking
Lent 2021 - starting 17 February
A selection of resources to help us reflect during Lent
Reducing slips and trips 
The latest in our series of articles from Baptist Insurance features health and safety advice in bad weather
The Baptist experience of the first national lockdown 
Ahead of a new survey, Andrew Village and Leslie J. Francis of York St John University outline their findings from a survey conducted following the first lockdown
Electrical wiring in Baptist churches  
Church fires can frequently be attributed to faulty or ageing wiring so regular inspections are vital. There are a number of key factors to consider that will help to keep your church safe - this month's feature from Baptist Insurance
Baptists adapting to Coronavirus
2020 was a year like no other - who could have imagined what it would hold as we went into the first lockdown in March 2020?
A safety-net as we look to unlock society 
Those who are in most need are probably going to be the last to benefit from the unlocking - unless specific action is taken to prioritise them
A new Baptist App keeps our website close at hand
Earlier this year we launched the first version of our new Baptist App, created by our website developers ChurchInsight
Let's worship God  
Worship is for God, and for God alone. It is a turning away from self and a gazing upon God in such a matter that adoration and praise, confession and penitence, dedication and commitment are our response
Baptismal pools
The latest in our series of Baptist Insurance articles sees a focus on baptismal pools
Let's pray for others  
Examining prayer in light of Paul's instructions in his letter to Timothy
'Grief is a deep wound with no visible scar' 
Interview with Baptist minister Richard Littledale, author of a new book for those who have been bereaved during the pandemic
What may grow from the compost of Covid?
A perspective from Emma Nash
Let's read the scriptures  
Why we need to take seriously the charge of the Apostle Paul to Timothy: “Give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhorting, to teaching”.
Relational ministerial formation during Covid
Northern Baptist College's vision of growing leaders for a changing church in a changing world has proved prophetic in a year of restrictions
Let's nail our colours to the mast - in baptism 
Baptism remains a great opportunity to ‘nail our colours to the mast’ and in this way proclaim that Jesus is Lord – Lord not just of our lives or indeed of his church, but also Lord of the world
Facing change - stepping into the new normal
Rather than rush into the ‘new normal’ and firmly shut the door on what has gone before, it’s essential to take time to reflect on what we’ve been through. Sharon Lanfear introduces a new resource that enables us to do just that
Time for some spring maintenance? 
A list of maintenance tips from Baptist Insurance to help you avoid some insurance claims at your church
'A call to pray for us' 
A letter from the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel, by Bader Mansour
Looking back to celebrate and looking forward in hope 
Brian Talbot introduces his new book Building on a Common Foundation: The Baptist Union of Scotland 1869-2019. It highlights past successes, but also intends to provide grounds for hope for continuing witness in the 21st century
Building your child’s emotional resilience
While resilience used to be thought of as a characteristic that you either had or did not have, it is now viewed as a skill that can be learnt. So how do we teach this important quality to our children? Care for the Family's Katharine Hill shares her tip
Church security planning 
Risks to church security vary depending on the church’s location, building design and existing security measures. To help address some of these risks, Baptist Insurance has put together some useful guidance for your consideration
Ten suggestions for your summer reads
Ten new books published this year or last which offer ways to help us think about our Christian faith and the difference Jesus makes for our being churches engaged in mission, pastoral care and seeking the kingdom of God
New resource helps you share your faith creatively 
How our new course encourages you to talk about slavery in a deeply Christian way - and seeks to communicate the reality of Christ with those of differing worldviews. By Mark Roques
'Acknowledging the joys and struggles of everyday life before God'
Interview with Baptist minister Phil Jump about his new book Love:Work - Reflections and Prayers for a World at Work, co-written with fellow Baptist minister John Weaver
A start in pioneer practice - three questions to ask
At its simplest pioneering is a combination of seeing and building, writes Jonny Baker. Here are three questions to get you started
Radical parables from Luke: 1. The minas 
There is both a relaxing and a radical read here - and the trick is to find the challenge and listen to what Jesus has to say. A new series focusing on parables in Luke, by Terry Young
Reduce the risk of an arson attack on your church 
The latest article from Baptist Insurance highlights the risk of an arson attack - and how to prevent it
Radical parables from Luke: 2. The rich fool 
How can we turn what we do into what lasts? The question haunts all history. By Terry Young
Radical parables from Luke: 3. The good Samaritan 
I don’t know how we are supposed to turn this parable into practice - but I suspect it will need less pointing and more reflection on how we spend our time and money. Terry Young continues his series on the parables in Luke
Radical parables from Luke: 4. The shrewd manager 
What would Jesus want done with what we have, and how can we channel the money in our hands that way?
Ministering to persecuted Christians all over the globe
Open Doors has been supporting persecuted Christians for more than 70 years
Radical parables from Luke: 5. The runaway son 
Somehow we must recover our sense of hope and learn to take risks on endings better than beginnings
Protecting your church in bad weather 
Baptist Insurance has produced some helpful tips and advice to make sure you and your church are prepared for stormy weather
The Christian in the created world
When Baptist minister Simon Bartlett couldn't find a suitable online course exploring a Christian response to creation care, he created one himself - and it was so well received a new series of sessions begin in September. He explains more
The future of communal and intentional giving
In a world where the donation of cash in the moment becomes consigned to history, how do we maintain that giving moment that is both communal and intentional - and do we even need to? By David Lynch
COP26 - A BUEN prayer guide 
By Dave Gregory and Trevor Beckett of the Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN)
How can we help teens find faith in the midst of it all 
Mary Douglas introduces the Parenting for Faith Course with a teen focus
Personal safety for those working alone 
Autumn is upon us and with it comes the gradual onset of darker evenings. It is therefore the perfect time to review situations where people work alone to ensure adequate precautions are in place to protect them. The latest Baptist Insurance article
Faith focus in new Aretha Franklin film    
This weekend we will see the long awaited title Respect hit UK cinemas. The film tells the story of Aretha Franklin, played by the singer and actress Jennifer Hudson - and the main narrative it holds throughout is Aretha's faith
A streaming library of Bible study videos
Ed Perry introduces RightNow Media, the world’s largest library of Bible study videos, and currently used by more than 21,000 churches worldwide
We are following the science? 
A healthy relationship with science is vital for the Church today in its mission of making disciples of Jesus, deepening faith, enriching worship, and enabling evangelism in a sceptical world
Brave faith
Open Doors is hosting its first ever youth online event where persecuted Christians from around the world will share their stories of faith
The adventure of prayer 
Interview with writer and spiritual director Amy Boucher Pye on her new book, 7 Ways to Pray - Time-tested Practices for Encountering God
Stepping into the life you were made for 
An extract from The Family Business: A Parable About Stepping Into The Life You Were Made For, by Geoff Peters
Baptists in the pandemic  
Baptists have impacted their local communities in numerous ways during the pandemic. Here are the stories shared at the October 2021 meeting of Baptist Union Council
Snap, crackle and pop
The snap of thunder, the crackle of ice, the pop of a firework – the winter months can be dramatic and exciting, but can also cause damage to your church property. The latest Baptist Insurance article focuses on protecting your church building in winter
A hope to hold onto
Jesus' remedy for fear is to 'keep on believing in God, and keep on believing in me.' A Bible study on John 14: 1-6, by Paul Beasley-Murray
Stimulating memories this Christmas
Christmas is such a good time for reaching the person hidden behind the dementia, writes Louise Morse. Here are some new ideas that can help you do that
Christmas preparations 
Baptist Insurance has come up with some top tips to help ensure your church is prepared for all the extra visitors during the festive season
Exploring digital ministry for your church
"Digital ministry, meet people where they are and they’ll come to where we are." A reflection by Tim Hobbs, filmmaker and consultant
The Good News Bible – Family Edition  
The Good News Bible - Family Edition is a brand new Bible that has been designed to get your family engaging with, and experiencing the Bible together. By Jack Imbert-Terry
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Feature articles published in 2022
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Feature articles published in 2021
A list of features published by The Baptist Times in 2021
Feature articles in 2020
A list of features published by The Baptist Times in 2020
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