CYF links and resources
Every child is important to God, and we need to find ways for churches to be welcoming, safe and inclusive in all ways. Children and young people are disciples in the same way as believers of every age, and we have produced a number of resources to help churches to encourage young missionary disciples recognising that:
The right of children and young people to explore and celebrate their faith and to worship God is throughout scripture.
A child is no more of a learner disciple than anyone of any age. We are all on a journey and none of us has reached perfection. We need to look at whole life discipleship instead of modular faith.
We need to prepare children, along with disciples of all ages, to build robust and enduring faith based on a relationship with God using frameworks, rather than rules and simple stories.
This page offers articles and resources to help us reflect on children, young people and families.
Resources produced by the CYF Round Table and Baptists Together
Is there space for me round this table? The role of young people in Communion
Join Jodie Thorpe, Mike Lowe and Clare Hooper from our Children, Young People and Families Round Table and Linda Hopkins who is presenting the 2023 Whitley Lecture. Together they explored how we value, welcome and listen to the voice of the child in our midst. This included a specially written version of Linda's Whitley Lecture.
Racial Justice Resource for those who work with children and young people
This resource aims to speak positively into the racial justice issues which were illustrated so clearly during 2020 following the death of George Floyd. Through history, reflection and questioning we hope to create space that will open new avenues for conversation.
Digital version
Printer friendly version
Joining the Dots Podcast
This is a podcast which draws on the wisdom of experts to help start the conversation in exploring the context of the child, so that the dots between home, church, community, school and faith begin to join up.
Listen from here and also available on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible and Podbean
The CYF Round Table Toolkit for churches - Joining the dots between church, home and school
If we are to be relevant in today’s context we need to move towards doing things WITH children. We should think of childhood as a characteristic of life; we should be doing things with children, creating a relational model of equals - a model in which all of us have something to offer each other.
This resource is a conversation starter for churches with questions to help you start, and keep on, growing.
Guide to Employing a Children’s,Youth and Family Worker
Outlining the basic steps needed when considering employing a Children's Youth and Family Worker - from capturing the vision, beginning the search, offering the job and providing on-going support.
Wonderful Youth
Even though there are a vast number of resources on the Christian market to enable young people to reflect on their Christian faith, few (if any) intentionally enable Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnics to see their image reflected in the resources. This resource draws on culturally diverse images, exercises and activities, exploring and celebrating some of the historical and current unique contributions from our multicultural society. The material seeks to affirm, both theologically and culturally, all young people between the ages of 13-16.
Be the Light: Halloween
The Beacon Church in Stafford has produced this excellent resource to help people step into Halloween and reclaim it for Jesus. |
Supporting Local Schools
The Baptist Union’s Education Working Group developed a number of resources to help churches to support their local school or college. The series of Church and School files offers guidance for good practice, helpful resources, and stories to inspire and encourage you. |
Encouraging Communication
Following a sudden death in a family at Rayleigh Baptist Church, minister Ricky Rew produced a set of cards to help the family communicate as they grieve. The idea is for a child/young person (or parent) to complete the card highlighting a particular feeling/frustration then hand it to a family member/friend to inform them how they’re feeling and allow them to respond appropriately. |
Exploring Baptism Together
How do you support children who have expressed a desire to be baptised, having come to faith? Baptist minister Ricky Rew has developed some children's worksheets and a booklet to work through together (both children and a parent each in one session) to explore baptism. |
Aslan is a ministry for those with additional needs at Tonbridge Baptist Church, and features a highly regarded website full of free Sunday School resources. |
Resources and articles produced by other specialist organisations
Messy Church
is a way of being church for families involving fun
is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour
is found across the world
values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration
is part of The Bible Reading Fellowship which believes, with the historic churches, in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Care for the Family
Helping children find a faith that lasts
Raising Faith is a new title from Care for the Family full of stories and encouragement to help parents feel confident about nurturing faith in our children. |
Children's Ministry Network
The 2017 Children’s Ministry Network conference explored issues around children’s well-being and mental health. Sian Hancock attended on behalf of the CYF Round Table. Click here to read her report. |
Children's Society: Good Childhood Report
We know that it is critical to listen to what children have to say about their lives - what makes them happy and what we can improve for them and future generations. Children's well-being is crucial, not just for their own lives, but for society as a whole. Each year the Children's Society produces a well-being report - the most comprehensive research of its kind.
Click here to download the 2018 report
Click here to download the 2017 report |
Children's Society: Whoever has ears, let them hear
These theology papers (with discussion guide) focus on the importance of listening to children and young people. |
Godly Play
Godly Play UK has been committed to providing an annual childhood spirituality conference for 10 years, and in 2017 the theme was ‘Come Dance With Me’. Click here for a report from the 2017 Godly Play Conference in Sheffield Cathedral. |
Godly Play: Childhood Spirituality Conference 2019
Booking is now open for the 2019 Childhood Spirituality Conference in Sheffield Cathedral on Saturday 11 May.
Save and book at the early bird price of £44 before 1 January!
More information and the online booking form can be found at on the Godly Play website.
My Tutor Guide
Four signs of burnout in your teen– and how to help them through it. Click here to access the guide. |
Parenting for Faith
The Parenting for Faith team provides resources for parents, carers, extended families and their churches to help young people develop a lasting and vibrant relationship with God. |
Soulscape: interactive prayer space
PAUSE is Soulscape’s interactive prayer space for young people at school. Carving out space during the busy school day for personal reflection and prayer, it invites young people of all faiths and none to think about what and who is important in their lives. |
Table Talk
Table Talk provides a safe place for people to begin to explore, articulate and engage in conversations about the big and not so big questions of life. A number of editions are available which are suitable for children and young people. |
TIC+ (Teens in Crisis)
TIC+ provides face-to-face and online counselling services across Gloucestershire for young people aged 9-21 and their families. Their mission is to improve, preserve and promote good mental health and well-being among young people and their families. Click here for details. |
Youth for Christ
YfC produces resources and ideas to help you reach and disciple 7-25s in your community. Have a look at their website for details. |
The National Month of Prayer for toddler group ministries takeS place in June, with this year’s theme being ‘From a little seed’ and Matthew 13:31-32 (The Parable of the Mustard Seed) the keynote scripture. This annual prayer focus encourages churches to pray for the work of their toddler groups as they reach out to serve the needs of families in the local community. The month is co-ordinated by the charity 1277, the national network of church-based toddler groups. 1277 (the number of days from birth to nursery) wants the groups, the leaders, the children and their families to be supported in prayer.
Dip into the ideas, activities and articles on the 1277 Facebook Group:
Check out the resources |
Open Doors has a wealth of resources for churches, young people and children to learn about the persecuted church. From the ‘Dangerous Faith’ discussion guide for churches and small groups, to the children’s booklet, ‘Secret Smuggler’, there are lots of opportunities to learn about faith from the perspective of persecuted Christians. |