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Spurgeon's College at CRE 


Spurgeon's College in South London experienced much interest on its stand at the Christian Resources Exhibition (CRE) last week

Spurgeons Pieter LallemanPieter Lalleman, a tutor in biblical studies at Spurgeon's College for the last 18 years, was delighted to see a regular stream of people coming to the college stand at the CRE, in Sandown Park, Esher, on the last of its three days.

Training, he pointed out, is more and more about how to be the church in the 21st century, but there is always the emphasis on the Bible and Christian doctrine - "after all, that is the very foundation for the church," he added.

No one has to think that Bible colleges only train ministers and pastors.

Next year a youth ministry diploma course will be offered. The college has a wide range of possibilities - there is something for everyone.

Pieter said, 'We do have the three-year degree course for those wanting to become ministers in Baptist or other denominational churches; there is a part-time, one-day-a-month course for lay people who want training in some aspect of the college curriculum; specialist courses in counselling, and various other choices which students can make.'

And in two years time the college will be able to offer its own full university degree - at present an outside university has to ratify the degree.

'Like many colleges we have to think outside the box,' said the 58 year old Dutchman.

And, like many areas of life in the UK, one question remains unanswered: the effects of Brexit on students from Europe. 'We simply do not know,' he said.

Pieter was also selling his third book - Enduring Treasure, the lasting value of the Old Testament for Christians

Baptist Times, 24/10/2018
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