Baptist Steering Group
Whilst leadership of different kinds is exercised at a variety of points and in a variety of ways in Baptists Together, the key location of organisational leadership and coordination sits with the Baptist Steering Group. This team began its work in 2014 and was formed as a result of the Futures Process. It brings together leaders from Association Partnerships, Specialist Teams and Colleges in order to realise our vision for effective interdependent and collaborative working. As we meet together we are committed to nurturing prayer and discernment as well as fostering authentic relationships.
We meet for 24 hours, seven times a year and the major focus of our work is about managing the implementation of the broad strategic direction discerned by Council. Our role is to enable action through identifying and co-ordinating the release of our resources of prayer, people, creativity and finance. In doing so we seek to inspire, support and facilitate local churches in their mission. When we meet we seek to keep the mission of the local church in focus.
A summary of
key points from each Steering Group is posted after each meeting and
our aim is to consistently provide themes and pointers before each meeting to enable people to pray with us during our time together.
The Baptist Steering Group is led by our General Secretary, Lynn Green and, as well as Association Partnership and Specialist Team representation, it also includes a member nominated by Council and a member of the Trustee Board who acts as a link between these two groups along with our General Secretary.
Lynn Green - General Secretary My role is to provide guidance, support and leadership to the BSG, ensuring that we are listening to God, working collegially and are drawing together views from within the whole Baptist family so that we can be faithful to our vision of being a mission movement.
Adrian Argile - Regional Team Leader, Heart of England Baptist Association. My passion is to see authentic Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ and churches that are healthy mission focussed communities who are actively engaged with their neighbourhoods. |
Phil Barnard - Regional Team Leader, London Baptist Association. I represent the London Baptist Association on BSG. Apart from bringing the distinct perspective of our capital city and its churches to the Union, I have a passion to see the UK church equipped to minister sustainably within a post-Christian setting. |
Nigel Coles - Regional Team Leader, West of England Baptist Association. Nigel is passionate to support the development of missional strategy beyond the West of England and together help people find their way in God's mission. |
Stuart Davison - Regional Team Leader, South Eastern Baptist Association
My main concern that I bring to the Baptist Steering Group is for mission, which should drive so much of what we try to do if we are truly a missional movement. I firmly believe that the word ‘independence’ should be struck from our Baptist vocabulary as it implies a non-Biblical ecclesiology.
Graham Ensor - Regional Team Leader, Yorkshire Baptist Association
Steve Finamore - College Representative
It is a great privilege to represent the colleges of the Baptist Union on the Baptist Steering Group. Our ministry is to invest deeply in the future of our churches and networks. Few things are more important than equipping and resourcing the next generation of leaders. |
Claude Halm - Baptist Union Council representative
I have a great heart for pioneering and I have served as Pastor at different multi-cultural Churches within the London Baptist Association. I also represent the LBA on Council. I prioritise leading God’s Church on a purposeful journey of spiritual growth, renewal and evangelism. I bring to the BSG cultural diversity and a passion to raise and equip a generation of young people who can live out God’s love and purpose in their communities. I currently live in London with my dear wife Trudie who is a childcare professional and our two lovely children, Samuel and Joy.
Andy Hughes - Ministries Team Leader. |
Stephen Keyworth - Faith and Society Team Leader
I was appointed to the role of Faith and Society Team Leader in March 2013, and represent this Specialist Team on the BSG. |
Beth Powney -Regional Team Leader, Eastern Baptist Association
I am passionate about equipping and empowering individuals to be released in all of their gifts for the glory of God’s kingdom. For then people in our churches can be released in leadership, serving, teaching, evangelism, and in every way in order for Jesus to be made known to our communities.
Richard Wilson - Support Services Team Leader
My priority is to equip our member churches and others in front line mission to be fully effective in reaching their communities for Christ. I believe I am called to bring the experience I’ve built up in nearly 20 years of work in the commercial world to our Baptist family.